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{\bf M 408C\2 58985,58990,58995\2  Fall '06}\ \ \ TTh 12:30-2:00\   ECJ 1.202;

MW 8-9\ RLM 6.124 (58985), MW 3-4 ESB 133 (58990), MW 4-5 RLM 5.122 (58995)

{\bfit \5 *** T Th classes will be lectures, M W discussion sections.}  
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{\bf Instructor:}  C. Friedman \ \  RLM 11.140 \ \ 471-5161 \ \   office hrs: T Th 2:30-3:30 or by appt.

Web Page (homework assignments are listed): www.ma.utexas.edu/\~\ friedman
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{\bf Text and Syllabus:} {\sl Calculus}, 
James Stewart 5th ed.

  Syllabus; 2.1-2.6, 3.1-3.10, 4.1-4.7, 4.10, 5.1-5.5, 6.1-6.2, 6.5, 7.1, 7.2*-7.4*, 7.5, 8.1-8.5 

  (There may be some changes in the syllabus.)

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{\bf Exams:} We will have exams on  10/5 (class 11; Thurs.),
11/9 (class 21; Thurs.), 

12/7 (Class 28; Thurs.)  

(No ``Final Exam" planned [subject to Department approval]) 

* Exam grades will be scaled (if the unscaled average is $\leq 75$) to
some value in the 

$75$ to $80$ range.

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{\bf Homework:} Homework will be assigned each Tuesday in class and
will be due the next Monday in Discussion Section.
 A serious effort should be made on these
exercises. It will probably be difficult to completely learn the
course material without working problems; also exam questions may bear
some resemblance to homework exercises. Additionally, {\it all homework 
together will be counted as a grade equivalent to one exam grade.}

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{\bf Quizes:} Three quizes will be given in the discussion classes on
9/25 (Mon.), 10/30 (Mon.), and 11/29 (Wed.). These will {\it probably} be short
(about 1/2 hour) and consist of one problem. All three quiz grades will
be combined to form one grade counted equal to a single test grade.
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{\bf Final Grades:} In computing a final grade, I will
count the three tests, one total homework grade 
and one total quiz grade equally. 
(So there will be {\bf five} grades to average.)  