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{\bf M W427K   Summer'06}\ \ \ 
TWTh 10:00-11:30\   PHR 2.110;

MF 10-11:30 RLM 5.122 (93790; TA: John McClain [jmcclain@math.utexas.edu]), 

MF 10-11:30 RLM 6.118 (93795; TA: Nick Leger [nleger@math.utexas.edu]), 

MF 10-11:30 RLM 6.120 (93800; TA: Jonathan Williams [jwilliam@math.utexas.edu]),
MF 10-11:30 RLM 6.124 (93805; TA: Sasa Kocic [kocic@math.utexas.edu]),

{\bfit (TWTh classes are lectures, MF discussion sections.)}    
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{\bf Instructor:}  C. Friedman \  RLM 11.140 \ 471-5161 

\  office hrs: T W Th 2:00-3:00pm or by appt.

Web Page (homework assignments are listed): www.ma.utexas.edu/\~{\hskip.01in}friedman
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{\bf Text and Syllabus:} {\sl Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary
value Problems}, 8th ed. Boyce and DiPrima, Wiley.

  Syllabus; Most of Chapters I, II, III, V, X.

(Exactly which sections will be covered, depends on how quickly 
we progress, etc.)
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{\bf Exams:} We will have exams on 6/28 (class 12; Wed),
7/20 (class 21; Thurs), 

8/10 (Class 30; Thurs); no "final exam" (subject to Dept. approval.) 

* Exam grades will be scaled (if the unscaled average is $\leq 75$) to some 
value in the $75$ to $80$ range.

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{\bf Homework:} Homework will be assigned each Tuesday in class and
will be due the next Monday.
 A serious effort should be made on these
exercises. It will probably be difficult to completely learn the
course material without working problems; also exam questions may bear
some resemblance to homework exercises. Additionally, there will be a
grade associated with the homework; this will be determined by 
grading some of the homework. (There is no homework grader available
during the Summer, so it won't be possible to grade all the homework
in detail.)
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{\bf Quizes:} Three quizes will be given in the discussion classes on
6/19 (Mon), 7/14 (Fri), and 8/4 (Fri). These will {\it probably} be short
(about 1/2 hour) and consist of one problem. All three quiz grades will
be combined to form one grade counted equal to a single test grade.
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{\bf Final Grades:} In computing a final grade, I will
count the three tests, one total homework grade 
and one total quiz grade equally. 
(So there will be {\bf five} grades to average.)  