Numerical Mathematics and Computing, 7th Ed. - MATLAB Codes

Numerical Mathematics and Computing
Seventh Edition
Ward Cheney & David Kincaid
Sample MATLAB Codes

In the following table, each line/entry contains the name of the computer file and a brief description.
Click on the program name to display the source code, which can be downloaded.
Chapter 1: Mathemematical Preliminaries and Floating-Point Representation
sineplot.m Graph of Taylor series partial sums for sin(x)
(invoking s1.m, s2.m, s3.m)
sqrt_approx.m Variable precision arithmetic for approximation
format.m Numbers in different formats
accuracy.m Numbers with different accuracy
Chapter 2: Linear Systems
gauss_elim1.m Gaussian elimination to solve linear systems
gauss_elim2.m Gaussian elimination to solve linear systems
Chapter 3: Locating Roots of Equations
fcn_roots.m Roots of functions or polynomials (invoking G.m)
poly_roots1.m Roots of a cubic polynomial
newton_sys.m Example of Newton's method for solving a nonlinear system
gauss_newton.m Newton's method for solving nonlinear systems (invoking Fcn.m)
fractal.m Fractal basins of attraction (CPb. 3.2.27)
poly_roots2.m Roots of a fifth degree polynomial
Chapter 4: Interpolation and Numerical Differentiation
newtn_int_poly.m Newton interpolation polynomial equidistant pts
inverse_interp.m Inverse Newton interpolation polynomial example
runge_fcn.m Polynomial interpolation for the Runge function
Chapter 5: Numerical Integration
num_int1.m Numerical integration of exp(-x*x) (invoking f1.m)
num_int2.m Numerical integration of sin(x)/x (invoking f2.m)
num_int3.m Numerical intergratin of cos(2*x)/exp(x) (invoking f3.m)
cpb6_2_8.m Computer Problem 6.2.8: Numerical intergration example
cpb6_2_9.m Computer Problem 6.2.9: Difficult Numerical intergration
Chapter 6: Spline Functions
spline_sin_plot.m Plot of a cubic spline curve for sin(x)
spline_plot.m Plot of a cubic spline curve
Chapter 7: Initial Values Problems
euler.m Euler's method for solving an ODE (invoking f.m)
rk_ode23.m Runge-Kutta method for solving an IVP (invoking ode23file1.m)
rkf_ode45.m Runge-Kutta Fehlberg method for solving an IVP (invoking ode45file1.m)
rk2_ode23.m Runge-Kutta method for systems of ODEs (invoking ode23file2.m)
rkf2_ode45.m Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method for systems of ODEs (invoking ode45file2.m)
Chapter 8: More on Linear Systems
ldl.m LDL Factorization
lu_fact.m LU Factorization
eig.m Eigenvalue Example
null.m Null Space Example
timing.m Timing eigenvalue computation
sng_val_decomp.m Singular value decompositon of a matrix
cpb8_3_1d.m Computer Problem 8.3.1d
mod_power.m Modified Power Method
small_eig.m Small eigenvalue
inv_power.m Inverse Power Methods
shift_inv_power.m Shifted Inverse Power Mehtod
Chapter 9: Least Squares Methods and Fourier Series
ls_fit.m Linear least squares fit for polynomials
np_ls_fit.m Least squares fit for a non-polynomial function
p_inv1.m Minimal solution using pseudoin of matrices
p_inv2.m Find pseudoinverse in case of loss in rank
Chapter 10: Monte Carlo Methods and Simulation
rand.m Examples using random numbers
Chapter 11: Boundary Value Problems
bvp.m Two-point boundary-value problem example (invoking bvpfcn.m, bvpbc.m)
Chapter 12: Partial Differential Equations
heat.m Heat Equation (invoking pdexlpde.m, pdexlic.m, pdexlbc.m)
par.m Parabolic Equation (PDEdemo5)
wave.m Wave Equation (PDEdemo6)
poisson.m Poisson Equation (PDEdemo1)
fast.m Fast Equation (PDEdemo8)
helm.m Helmholtz Equation (PDEdemo2)
Chapter 13: Minimization of Functions
fmin1.m Minimizing multivariate functions
fmin2.m Find local minimum of a function
Chapter 14: Linear Programming Problems
lin_prog1.m Maximize subject to inequality constraints
lin_prog2.m Minimize subject to inequality constraints
lin_prog3.m Minimize subject to equality constraints
lin_prog4.m Minimize subject to inequality constraints

Addditional programs can be found at the textbook's anonymous ftp site:

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  Last updated: 15 July 2012