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The fractional Laplacian $(-\Delta)^s$ is a classical operator which gives the standard Laplacian when $s=1$. One can think of $-(-\Delta)^s$ as the most basic  [[elliptic linear integro-differential operator]] of order $2s$ and can be defined in several equivalent ways (listed below). A range of powers of particular interest is $s \in (0,1)$, in which case for $u \in \mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R}^n)$ we can write the operator as
Stochastic control refers to the general area in which some random variable distributions depend on the choice of certain controls, and one looks for an optimal strategy to choose those controls in order to maximize or minimize the expected value of the random variable.

\[-(-\Delta)^su(x) = c_{n,s} \int_{\mathbb{R}^d}\frac{\delta u (x,y) }{|y|^{d+2s}}dy\]
The random variable to optimize is computed in terms of some stochastic process. It is usually the value of some given function evaluated at the end point of the stochastic process.

where $c_{n,s}$ is a universal constant and $\delta u(x,y):= u(x+y)+u(x-y)-2u(x)$. This particular expression shows that in this range of $s$ the operator enjoys the following monotonicity property: if $u$ has a global maximum at $x$, then $(-\Delta)^s u(x) \geq 0$, with equality only if $u$ is constant. From this monotonicity, a [[comparison principle]] can be derived for equations involving the fractional Laplacian.
The expected value of this random variable, in terms of the starting point of the stochastic process, is a function which satisfies some [[fully nonlinear integro-differential equation]]. If the stochastic processes involved are diffusions, the PDEs involved are classical second order equations. If the stochastic process is a Levy process with jumps, then the equations will have a non local part.

== Definitions ==
== Standard stochastic control: the [[Bellman equation]] ==
Consider a family of stochastic processes $X_t^\alpha$ indexed by a parameter $\alpha \in A$, whose corresponding generator operators are $L^\alpha$. We consider the following dynamic programming setting: the parameter $\alpha$ is a control that can be changed at any period of time.

All the definitions below are equivalent.
We look for the optimal choice of the control that will maximize the value of a given function $g$ the first time the process $X_t$ exits a domain $D$. If we call this maximal possible expected value $u(x)$, in terms of the initial point $X_0 = x$, the function $u$ will solve the [[Bellman equation]].
\[ \sup_{\alpha \in A} L^\alpha u = 0 \qquad \text{in } D.\]

=== As a Fourier multiplier ===
This is a fully nonlinear convex equation.  
The fractional Laplacian is the operator with symbol $|\xi|^{2s}$. In other words, the following formula holds
\[ \widehat{(-\Delta)^s f}(\xi) = |\xi|^{2s} \hat f(\xi).\]
for any function (or tempered distribution) for which the right hand side makes sense.

This formula is the simplest to understand and it is useful for problems in the whole space. On the other hand, it is hard to obtain local estimates from it.
When the operators $L^\alpha$ are second order and uniformly elliptic, the solution is $C^{2,\alpha}$. This is the result of the [[Evans-Krylov theorem]]. When the operators $L^\alpha$ are integral kernels, one can still prove that the solution is classical if the kernels satisfy some uniform assumptions. This is the [[nonlocal Evans-Krylov theorem]]

=== From functional calculus ===
There are many variants of this problem. If the value of $g$ is given at a previously specified time $T$, then $u(x,t)$ solves the backwards parabolic Bellman equation.
Since the operator $-\Delta$ is a self-adjoint positive definite operator in a dense subset $D$ of $L^2(\R^n)$, one can define $F(-\Delta)$ for any continuous function $F:\R^+ \to \R$. In particular, this serves as a more or less abstract definition of $(-\Delta)^s$.

This definition is not as useful for practical applications, since it does not provide any explicit formula.
== [[Optimal stopping problem]] ==

=== As a singular integral ===
== Zero sum games: the [[Isaacs equation]] ==
If $f$ is regular enough and $s \in (0,1)$, $(-\Delta)^s f(x)$ can be computed by the formula
\[ (-\Delta)^s f(x) = c_{n,s} \int_{\R^n} \frac{f(x) - f(y)} {|x-y|^{n+2s}} \mathrm d y .\]
Where $c_{n,s}$ is a constant depending on dimension and $s$.
This formula is the most useful to study local properties of equations involving the fractional Laplacian and regularity for critical semilinear problems.
=== As a generator of a [[Levy process]] ===
The operator can be defined as the generator of $\alpha$-stable Lévy processes. More precisely, if $X_t$ is the isotropic $\alpha$-stable Lévy process starting at zero and $f$ is a smooth function, then
\[ (-\Delta)^{\alpha/2} f(x) = \lim_{h \to 0^+} \frac 1 {h} \mathbb E [f(x) - f(x+X_h)]. \]
This definition is important for applications to probability.
== Inverse operator ==
The inverse of the $s$ power of the Laplacian is the $-s$ power of the Laplacian $(-\Delta)^{-s}$. For $0<s<n/2$, there is an integral formula which says that $(-\Delta)^{-s}u$ is the convolution of the function $u$ with the ''Riesz potential'':
\[ (-\Delta)^{-s} u(x) = C_{n,s} \int_{\R^n} u(x-y) \frac{1}{|y|^{n-2s}} \mathrm d y,\]
which holds as long as $u$ is integrable enough for the right hand side to make sense.
== Heat kernel ==
The fractional heat kernel $p(t,x)$ is the fundamental solution to the [[fractional heat equation]]. It is the function which solves the equation
p(0,x) &= \delta_0 \\
p_t(t,x) + (-\Delta)^s p &= 0
The kernel is easy to compute in Fourier side as $\hat p(t,\xi) = e^{-t|\xi|^{2s}}$. There is no explicit formula in physical variables, but the following inequalities are known to hold for some constant $C$
\[ C^{-1} \left( t^{-\frac n {2s}} \wedge \frac{t}{|x|^{n+2s}} \right) \leq p(t,x) \leq C \left( t^{-\frac n {2s}} \wedge \frac{t}{|x|^{n+2s}} \right). \]
Moreover, the function $p$ is $C^\infty$ in $x$ for $t>0$ and the following identity follows by scaling
\[ p(t,x) = t^{-\frac n {2s}} p \left( 1 , t^{-\frac 1 {2s}} x \right). \]
== Poisson kernel ==
Given a function $g : \R^n \setminus B_1 \to \R$, there exists a unique function $u$ which solves the Dirichlet problem
u(x) &= g(x) \qquad \text{if } x \notin B_1 \\
(-\Delta)^s u(x) &= 0 \qquad \text{if } x \in B_1.
The solution can be computed explicitly using the Poisson kernel
\[ u(x) = \int_{\R^n \setminus B_1} g(y) P(y,x) \mathrm d y,\]
where<ref name="R"/>
\[ P(y,x) = C_{n,s} \left( \frac{1-|x|^2}{|y|^2-1}\right)^s \frac 1 {|x-y|^n}.\]
The justification of this Poisson kernel can be found in the classical book of Landkof (1.6.11')<ref name="L"/>.
== Green's function for the ball ==
For a function $g \in L^2(B_1)$, there exists a unique function $u \in H^s(\R^n)$ such that
u(x) &= 0 && \text{if } x \notin B_1 \\
(-\Delta)^s u &= g(x) && \text{if } x \in B_1.
The solution is given explicitly using the Green's function,
\[ u(x) = \int_{B_1} G_{B_1}(x, y) g(y) \mathrm d y, \]
where<ref name="R"/>
\[ G_{B_1}(x, y) = C_{n,s} |x - y|^{2 s - n} \int_0^{r_0(x, y)} \frac{r^{s-1}}{(r+1)^{n/2}} \, \mathrm d r \]
\[ r_0(x, y) = \frac{(1 - |x|^2) (1 - |y|^2)}{|x - y|^2} . \]
The above formula holds for all $s \in (0, 1)$ also for $n = 1$.<ref name="BGR"/>
== Regularity issues ==
Any function $u$ which satisfies $(-\Delta)^s u=0$ in any open set $\Omega$, then $u \in C^\infty$ inside $\Omega$. This follows from the smoothness of the Poisson kernel for balls.
More generally, one has the estimate
\[\|u\|_{C^{\alpha+2s}(B_{1/2})}\leq C\left(
\|(-\Delta)^s u\|_{C^{\alpha}(B_1)}+\|u\|_{L^{\infty}(B_1)}+\int_{\R^n\setminus B_1}|u(y)|\frac{dy}{|y|^{n+2s}}\right)\]
for any $\alpha\geq0$ such that $\alpha+2s$ is not an integer.
=== Full space regularization of the Riesz potential ===
If $(-\Delta)^s u = f$ in $\R^n$, then of course $u = (-\Delta)^{-s}f$. It is simple to see that the operator $(-\Delta)^{-s}$ regularizes the functions ''up to $2s$ derivatives''. In Fourier side, $\hat u(\xi) = |\xi|^{-2s} \hat f(\xi)$, thus $\hat u$ has a stronger decay than $\hat f$. More precisely, if $f \in C^\alpha$, then $u \in C^{2s+\alpha}$ as long as $2s+\alpha$ is not an integer (A proof of this using only the integral representation of $(-\Delta)^{-s}$ was given in the preliminaries section of <ref name="S"/>, but the result is presumably very classical). More generally, if $f$ belongs to the Besov space $B_{p,q}^r$, then $u \in B_{p,q}^{r+2s}$, $s>0$. However, if $f$ belongs to $L^p$ then it does not follow that $u\in W^{2s,p}$; this is true only for $p\geq2$. For $1<p<2$ one only have $u\in B^{2s}_{p,2}\supset W^{2s,p}$ ---see Chapter V in Stein<ref name="Stein"/>.
=== Boundary regularity ===
From the Poisson formula, one can observe that if the boundary data $g$ of the Dirichlet problem in $B_1$ is bounded and smooth, then $u \in C^s(\overline B_1)$ and in general no better. The singularity of $u$ occurs only on $\partial B_1$, the solution $u$ would be $C^\infty$ in the interior of the unit ball (which is also a consequence of the explicit Poisson kernel).
Even if $u$ is not $C^\infty$ up to the boundary, we have the following: consider the solution $u$ to the Dirichlet problem
\[\left\{ \begin{array}{rcll}
(-\Delta)^s u &=&g&\textrm{in }\Omega \\
u&=&0&\textrm{in }\R^n\backslash \Omega.
If $\Omega$ is $C^\infty$, then
\[g\in C^\infty(\overline\Omega)\qquad \Longrightarrow \qquad u/d^s\in C^\infty(\overline\Omega),\]
where $d(x)$ is (a smoothed version of) the distance to $\partial\Omega$; see <ref name="Grubb"/> and also <ref name="RS"/>.
If $\Omega$ is $C^{2,\alpha}$ and $g$ is $C^\alpha$, then $u/d^s$ is $C^{\alpha+s}$ up to the boundary <ref name="RS-K"/>.
Related to this, if $g$ is not bounded but only in $L^p(\Omega)$ then $u\in L^q$ with $q=\frac{np}{n-2ps}$ in case $p<n/(2s)$, while $u\in L^\infty(\Omega)$ in case $p>n/(2s)$ ---see for example Proposition 1.4 in <ref name="RS2"/>.
== References ==
<ref name="BGR">{{Citation | last1=Blumenthal | first1=R. M. | last2=Getoor | first2=R. K. | last3=Ray | first3=D. B. | title=On the distribution of first hits for the symmetric stable processes | url= | year=1961 | journal=Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. | issn=0002-9947 | volume=99 | pages=540–554}}</ref>
<ref name="L">{{Citation | last1=Landkof | first1=N. S. | title=Foundations of modern potential theory | publisher=[[Springer-Verlag]] | location=Berlin, New York | year=1972}}</ref>
<ref name="R">{{Citation | last1=Riesz | first1=M. | title=Intégrales de Riemann-Liouville et potentiels | url= | year=1938 | journal=Acta Sci. Math. Szeged | issn=0001-6969 | volume=9 | issue=1 | pages=1–42}}</ref>
<ref name="S">{{Citation | last1=Silvestre | first1=Luis | title=Regularity of the obstacle problem for a fractional power of the Laplace operator | url= | doi=10.1002/cpa.20153 | year=2007 | journal=[[Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics]] | issn=0010-3640 | volume=60 | issue=1 | pages=67–112}}</ref>
<ref name="RS">{{Citation  | last1=Ros-Oton | first1=X. | last2=Serra | first2=J. | title=The Dirichlet problem for the fractional Laplacian: regularity up to the boundary | url= | year=2012 | journal=[[J. Math. Pures Appl.]] | volume=101 | pages=275-302 }}</ref>
<ref name="Stein">{{Citation | last1=Stein | first1=E. | title=Singular Integrals And Differentiability Properties Of Functions | publisher=[[Princeton Mathematical Series]] | year=1970}}</ref>
<ref name="RS2">{{Citation  | last1=Ros-Oton | first1=X. | last2=Serra | first2=J. | title=The extremal solution for the fractional Laplacian | url= | year=2013 | journal=[[Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations]] | pages=to appear }}</ref>
<ref name="Grubb">{{Citation  | last1=Grubb | first1=G. | title=Fractional Laplacians on domains, a development of Hormander's theory of $mu$-transmission pseudodifferential operators | url= | year=2014 | journal=[[arXiv]] | pages=1-43 }}</ref>
<ref name="RS-K">{{Citation  | last1=Ros-Oton | first1=X. | last2=Serra | first2=J. | title=Boundary regularity for fully nonlinear integro-differential equations | year=2014 | journal=[[preprint arXiv]] }}</ref>

Revision as of 01:20, 29 January 2012

Stochastic control refers to the general area in which some random variable distributions depend on the choice of certain controls, and one looks for an optimal strategy to choose those controls in order to maximize or minimize the expected value of the random variable.

The random variable to optimize is computed in terms of some stochastic process. It is usually the value of some given function evaluated at the end point of the stochastic process.

The expected value of this random variable, in terms of the starting point of the stochastic process, is a function which satisfies some fully nonlinear integro-differential equation. If the stochastic processes involved are diffusions, the PDEs involved are classical second order equations. If the stochastic process is a Levy process with jumps, then the equations will have a non local part.

Standard stochastic control: the Bellman equation

Consider a family of stochastic processes $X_t^\alpha$ indexed by a parameter $\alpha \in A$, whose corresponding generator operators are $L^\alpha$. We consider the following dynamic programming setting: the parameter $\alpha$ is a control that can be changed at any period of time.

We look for the optimal choice of the control that will maximize the value of a given function $g$ the first time the process $X_t$ exits a domain $D$. If we call this maximal possible expected value $u(x)$, in terms of the initial point $X_0 = x$, the function $u$ will solve the Bellman equation. \[ \sup_{\alpha \in A} L^\alpha u = 0 \qquad \text{in } D.\]

This is a fully nonlinear convex equation.

When the operators $L^\alpha$ are second order and uniformly elliptic, the solution is $C^{2,\alpha}$. This is the result of the Evans-Krylov theorem. When the operators $L^\alpha$ are integral kernels, one can still prove that the solution is classical if the kernels satisfy some uniform assumptions. This is the nonlocal Evans-Krylov theorem

There are many variants of this problem. If the value of $g$ is given at a previously specified time $T$, then $u(x,t)$ solves the backwards parabolic Bellman equation.

Optimal stopping problem

Zero sum games: the Isaacs equation