To get figures write to the author. BODY \documentstyle[12pt]{article} \title{Stable Quasicrystalline Ground States} \author{Jacek Mi\c{e}kisz \\ Institut de Physique Th\'{e}orique \\ Universit\'{e} Catholique de Louvain \\ 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium} \pagenumbering{arabic} \begin{document} \baselineskip=26pt \maketitle {\bf Abstract.} We give a strong evidence that noncrystalline materials such as quasicrystals or incommensurate solids are not exceptions but rather are generic in some regions of a phase space. We show this by constructing classical lattice gas models with translation-invariant finite range interactions and with unique quasiperiodic ground states which are stable against small perturbations of finite range potentials. \\ \section{Introduction} One of the important problems in physics is to understand why matter is crystalline at low temperatures \cite{and,br,sim,uhl1,uhl2,rad1,rad2}. It is traditionally assumed (but has never been proved) that at zero temperature minimization of the free energy of a system of many interacting particles can only be obtained by their periodic arrangements (a perfect crystal) which at nonzero temperature is disrupted by defects due to entropy. Recently, however, there has been a growing evidence, that this basic phenomenon, the crystalline symmetry of low temperature matter, has exceptions; in particular incommensurate solids \cite{aub} and, more recently, quasicrystals \cite{jarr}. It is very important to find out how generic are these examples. In other words, is nonperiodic order present in these systems stable against small perturbations of interactions between particles? The problem of stability of quasiperiodic structures was studied recently in continuum models of particles interacting through a well, Lennard-Jones, and other potentials \cite{wid1,jar1,jar2,jar3,ola,smi}. However, no final conclusion was reached. After all one has to compare chosen quasiperiodic structure with all possible arrangements of particles in the space, a really formidable task. Here we will present two classical lattice gas (toy) models with unique stable nonperiodic ground states. More precisely, every site of the simple square lattice can be occupied by one of several different particles. The particles interact through two-body finite range translation-invariant potentials. Our models has only nonperiodic ground state configurations (infinite lattice configurations minimizing the energy density of the system). However, they all look the same: there is a unique translation-invariant ground state measure supported by them and which is a zero temperature limit of the grand canonical ensemble. We will prove that if one perturbs our models a little bit, by introducing sufficiently small chemical potentials or two-body translation-invariant interactions, their ground states do not change. It means that there is an open ball in the space of finite range interactions (with a fixed range) without periodic ground states. This constitutes a first generic counterexample to the crystal problem which is an attempt to deduce, within statistical mechanics, periodic order in systems of many interacting particles. In Section 2 we introduce a strict boundary property for local ground states and explain why it implies stability of our nonperiodic ground states. In Section 3 we describe the main features of Robinson's nonperiodic tilings of the plane, construct a classical lattice gas model out of it, and show why its unique ground state is not stable against small perturbations of nearest neighbor potentials. In Section 4 we present a modification of Robinson's tilings which allows us to construct models with unique nonperiodic ground states satisfying the strict boundary property. Section 5 contains a short discussion. \section{Classical Lattice Gas Models and Nonperiodic Ground States} A classical lattice gas model is a system in which every site of a lattice $Z^{d}$ can be occupied by one of $n$ different particles. An infinite lattice configuration is an assignment of particles to lattice sites, that is an element of $\Omega = \{1,...,n\}^{Z^{d}}$. Particles can interact through two-body finite range translation-invariant potentials $f(\underline{x}-\underline{y})$. Configurations of particles minimizing the potential energy density of a Hamiltonian $H=\sum_{(\underline{x},\underline{y})}f(\underline{x}-\underline{y})$ are called ground state configurations. For any potential the set of ground state configurations is nonempty but it may not contain any periodic configurations \cite{rad3,rad4,rad5,mier,mie1,mie2,mie3,rad6}. We restrict ourselves to systems in which, although all ground state configurations are nonperiodic, there is a unique translation-invariant measure (called a ground state) supported by them. The unique ground state is then inevitably a zero temperature limit of an infinite volume grand canonical probability distribution. This is in analogy with the Ising antiferromagnet, where there are two alternating ground state configurations but only one ground state measure which is just their average. Such ground state configurations have then necessarily uniformly defined frequencies for all finite arrangements of particles. More precisely, to find a frequency of a finite arrangement in a given configuration we first count the number of times it appears in a box of size $l$ and centered at the origin of the lattice, divide it by $l^{d}$, and then take the limit $l \rightarrow \infty$. If the convergence is uniform with respect to the position of the boxes then we say that the configuration has a uniformly defined frequency of this arrangement. It is a main point of this paper to claim that stability of nonperiodic ground states is intimitely connected with the rate of this convergence. {\bf Definition:} Let $\rho$ be a unique ground state measure of a finite range potential. Let $X(A)$ be a configuration on a finite region $A$ of the lattice enclosed by a perimeter P and such that all interactions in $A$ attain their minimal values. $X(A)$ is then a local ground state configuration but might not be extendable to any infinite lattice ground state configuration in the support of $\rho$. We say that a model satisfies a strict boundary property for local ground states if for any particle or a nearest neighbor pair of particles (any finite arrangement in general) the number of its appearance $n$ in $A$ satisfies the following inequality: $|n-wA|