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The text between the lines BODY and ENDBODY is made of 1864 lines and 68955 bytes (not counting or ) In the following table this count is broken down by ASCII code; immediately following the code is the corresponding character. 41142 lowercase letters 1954 uppercase letters 2090 digits 8349 ASCII characters 32 17 ASCII characters 33 ! 43 ASCII characters 34 " 52 ASCII characters 35 # 1720 ASCII characters 36 $ 734 ASCII characters 37 % 46 ASCII characters 38 & 169 ASCII characters 39 ' 715 ASCII characters 40 ( 764 ASCII characters 41 ) 144 ASCII characters 42 * 92 ASCII characters 43 + 830 ASCII characters 44 , 293 ASCII characters 45 - 634 ASCII characters 46 . 3 ASCII characters 47 / 127 ASCII characters 58 : 75 ASCII characters 59 ; 5 ASCII characters 60 < 309 ASCII characters 61 = 19 ASCII characters 62 > 2 ASCII characters 64 @ 56 ASCII characters 91 [ 3574 ASCII characters 92 \ 56 ASCII characters 93 ] 395 ASCII characters 94 ^ 906 ASCII characters 95 _ 84 ASCII characters 96 ` 1734 ASCII characters 123 { 53 ASCII characters 124 | 1734 ASCII characters 125 } 35 ASCII characters 126 ~ BODY %%% This is a Latex file producing the compuscript entitled %%% "A Direct Proof of a Theorem by Kolmogorov %%% in Hamiltonian Systems" %%% by L.Chierchia and C. Falcolini %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FORMATO GRANDE % \documentstyle[amssymbols,12pt]{article} \setlength{\hoffset}{} \setlength{\voffset}{-1.8cm} \setlength{\textwidth}{ 15.8cm} \setlength{\textheight}{22cm} \setlength{\parindent}{8mm} \setlength{\footskip}{2.truecm} \frenchspacing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% FOR SHORT %%% %%% \newcommand\beq[1]{ \begin{equation}\label{#1} } \newcommand{\eeq}{ \end{equation} } \newcommand{\beqno}{ \[ } \newcommand{\eeqno}{ \] } \newcommand\beqa[1]{ \begin{eqnarray} \label{#1}} \newcommand{\eeqa}{ \end{eqnarray} } \newcommand{\beqano}{ \begin{eqnarray*} } \newcommand{\eeqano}{ \end{eqnarray*} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% THEOREMS AND ALIKE %%% %%% \renewcommand{\theequation}{\arabic{section}.\arabic{equation}} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section] \newtheorem{definition}{Definition}[section] \newtheorem{proposition}{Proposition}[section] \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma}[section] \newtheorem{remark}{Remark}[section] \newtheorem{sublemma}{Sublemma}[section] \newtheorem{corollary}{Corollary}[section] \newcommand\dfn[1]{ \begin{definition}\label{#1} \rm} \newcommand\dfntwo[2]{ \begin{definition}[#1]\label{#2} \rm} \newcommand\edfn{ \end{definition} } \newcommand\rem[1]{ \begin{remark}\label{#1} \rm} \newcommand\erem{ \end{remark} } \newcommand\thm[1]{ \begin{theorem}\label{#1}} \newcommand\thmtwo[2]{ \begin{theorem}[#1]\label{#2}} \newcommand\ethm{ \end{theorem} } \newcommand\pro[1]{ \begin{proposition}\label{#1}} \newcommand\protwo[2]{ \begin{proposition}[#1]\label{#2}} \newcommand\epro{ \end{proposition} } \newcommand\lem[1]{ \begin{lemma}\label{#1}} \newcommand\lemtwo[2]{ \begin{lemma}[#1]\label{#2}} \newcommand\elem{ \end{lemma} } \newcommand\sublem[1]{ \begin{sublemma}\label{#1}} \newcommand\sublemtwo[2]{ \begin{sublemma}[#1]\label{#2}} \newcommand\esublem{ \end{sublemma} } \newcommand\cor[1]{ \begin{corollary}\label{#1}} \newcommand\cortwo[2]{ \begin{corollary}[#1]\label{#2}} \newcommand\ecor{ \end{corollary} } %%% %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% REFERRING TO %%% % \newcommand\equ[1]{{\rm (\ref{#1})}} % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% VARIOUS %%% \newcommand{\ie}{{\it i.e. }} \newcommand{\eg}{{\it e.g. }} \newcommand{\etc}{{\it etc}} \newcommand{\HB}{\hfill\break} \newcommand{\acapo}{\linebreak} \newcommand{\HALF}{{\textstyle{1\over 2}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% A CAPO..... %%% %%% %%% \newcommand{\giu}{{\medskip\noindent}} \newcommand{\Giu}{{\bigskip\noindent}} \newcommand{\nl}{{\smallskip\noindent}} \newcommand{\nin}{{\noindent}} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \newcommand{\qed}{\hskip.5truecm \vrule width 1.7truemm height 3.5truemm depth 0.truemm} \newcommand{\qedd}{\vrule width 1.7truemm height 1.7truemm depth 0.truemm} \newcommand{\QED}{\hfill\smallskip \line{\hfill\vrule height 1.8ex width 2ex depth +.2ex \ \ \ \ \ \ } \bigskip} \newcommand{\PROOF}{\medskip\noindent{\bf Proof\ } \allowbreak} \newcommand{\REMARK}{\medskip\noindent{\bf Remark\ }} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% MATH MODE DEFINITIONS: %%% % % \newcommand{\io}{ {\infty}} \newcommand{\ci}{ {C^\infty} } \newcommand{\ig}{ {\int} } \newcommand{\dpr}{ {\partial} } % \newcommand{\torus}{ {\Bbb T} } \renewcommand{\natural}{ {\Bbb N} } \newcommand{\real}{ {\Bbb R} } \newcommand{\integer}{ {\Bbb Z} } \newcommand{\complex}{ {\Bbb C} } \newcommand{\tN}{ {\torus^N } } \newcommand{\rN}{ {\real^N} } \newcommand{\cN}{ {\complex^N } } \newcommand{\zN}{ {\integer^N } } \newcommand{\tM}{ {\torus^M } } \newcommand{\rM}{ {\real^M} } \newcommand{\cM}{ {\complex^M } } \newcommand{\zM}{ {\integer^M } } % \renewcommand{\a }{ {\alpha} } \renewcommand{\b}{ {\beta} } \newcommand{\g}{ {\gamma} } \newcommand{\G}{ {\Gamma} } \renewcommand{\d}{ {\delta} } \newcommand{\D}{ {\Delta} } \newcommand{\e }{ {\varepsilon} } \newcommand{\et}{ {\eta} } \newcommand{\th }{ {\theta} } \newcommand{\vth }{ {\vartheta} } \newcommand{\k}{ {\kappa} } \renewcommand{\l}{ {\lambda} } \renewcommand{\L}{ {\Lambda} } \newcommand{\m}{ {\mu} } \newcommand{\n}{ {\nu} } \newcommand{\x }{ {\csi} } \newcommand{\X }{ {\Csi} } \newcommand{\p}{ {\pi} } \renewcommand{\P}{ {\Pi} } \newcommand{\r}{ {\rho} } \newcommand{\s}{ {\sigma} } \newcommand{\Si}{ {\Sigma} } \renewcommand{\t}{ {\tau} } \newcommand{\f}{ {\varphi} } \newcommand{\ph}{ {\phi} } \newcommand{\F}{ {\Phi} } \renewcommand{\c}{ {\chi} } \newcommand{\ps}{ {\psi} } \renewcommand{\o}{ {\omega} } \renewcommand{\O}{ {\Omega} } % \renewcommand{\Im}{{\rm Im}} \renewcommand{\Re}{{\rm Re}} \renewcommand{\=}{ {\ \equiv\ } } % \newcommand{\implies}{\ \Longrightarrow\ } \newcommand{\sse}{\ \Longleftrightarrow\ } %%% \newcommand{\ppk}{ { (k)}} \newcommand{\ppo}{ { (0)}} \newcommand{\Xk}{ X^{(k)} } \newcommand{\Xj}{ X^{(j)} } \newcommand{\Xh}{ X^{(h)} } \newcommand{\Tr}{ {T_r} } % \newcommand{\cA}{ {\cal A} } \newcommand{\cT}{ {\cal T} } \newcommand{\cR}{ {\cal R} } \newcommand{\cH}{ {\cal H} } \newcommand{\cC}{ {\cal C} } \newcommand{\cF}{ {\cal F} } \newcommand{\calN}{ {\cal N} } % \newcommand{\noin}{ {\not\in} } \renewcommand{\lg}{ {\langle} } \newcommand{\rg}{ {\rangle} } \newcommand{\getr}{{{\ge}_{{\phantom{.}}_{\!\Tr}}}} \newcommand{\baj}{ {\bar\jmath}} \newcommand{\bai}{ {\bar\imath}} \newcommand\bks{\backslash} \newcommand{\zNn}{ {\zN\backslash \{0\} } } % \newcommand\bcR{ {\overline {\cal R}} } \newcommand\bR{ {\overline R} } \newcommand\bT{{ \overline T}} \newcommand\bu{{ \bar u}} \newcommand\bv{{ \bar v}} \newcommand\bw{{ \bar w}} \newcommand\bk{{ \bar \k}} \newcommand\bl{{ \bar \l}} \newcommand\bs{{ \bar \s}} \newcommand\tT{{ \widetilde T}} \newcommand\tcT{{ \widetilde \cT}} \newcommand\hT{{ \widehat T}} \newcommand\hcT{{ \widehat \cT}} \newcommand\agl[1]{ |\lg{#1}\rg| } \newcommand\gl[1]{ \lg{#1}\rg } %******************************************** \newcommand\sumsud[2]{\sum_{ \scriptstyle {#1} \atop \scriptstyle {#2} }} \newcommand\sumsut[3]{\sum_{ {\scriptstyle {#1} \atop \scriptstyle {#2}} \atop \scriptstyle {#3} }} \newcommand\sumsuq[4]{\sum_{ { {\scriptstyle {#1} \atop \scriptstyle {#2}} \atop \scriptstyle {#3} } \atop \scriptstyle {#4} }} % \newcommand\littlesum{ {\scriptscriptstyle \sum }} \newcommand\wt{\widetilde} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \setcounter{page}{1} \renewcommand{\thepage}{\roman{page}} \title{Compensations in small divisor problems} \author{ L. Chierchia and C. Falcolini\\ {\footnotesize Dipartimento di Matematica} \\ {\footnotesize Universit\`a di Roma ``Tor Vergata"}\\ {\footnotesize via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 Roma (Italy)} \\ {\footnotesize (Internet: and} \thanks{The authors gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions with C.~Liverani.} } \maketitle \date{August 1994} \begin{abstract} \nin {\footnotesize Several small divisor problems arising in the perturbative theory of Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems are considered. A general method that allows to prove compensations among the elementary contributions of the formal power series expansions associated to invariant surfaces is presented. } \end{abstract} {\footnotesize \tableofcontents} %******************************************** \newpage \setcounter{page}{1} \renewcommand{\thepage}{\arabic{page}} \section{Introduction} \label{sec:par1} \setcounter{equation}{0} % C.L.~Siegel \cite{S} was the first to solve a small divisor problem (linearization of germs of analytic functions). His solution was based on a ``direct method" consisting in computing the $k^{\rm th}$ coefficient of the formal power series solution and estimating such coefficient by a constant to the $k^{\rm th}$ power. The solution of small divisor problems arising in perturbative series in the theory of Hamiltonian systems has been one of the major contributions to dynamical systems of this century: the techniques employed for such a task, started by A.N.~Kolmogorov in the early fifties and developed in the early sixties by V.I.~Arnold and J.K.~Moser, are known as ``Kolmogorov--Arnold--Moser (KAM) theory" (see \eg \cite{A1} and references therein). Such methods show {\sl indirectly} the convergence of the formal expansions of the perturbative series (longly before considered by astronomers and especially by H.~Poincar\`e \cite{Po}). In 1988 H.~Eliasson proposed a direct proof of the convergence of formal expansions in the Hamiltonian context (\cite{E1}, \cite{E2}, \cite{E3}). More recently direct proofs (in the Hamiltonian context) have been reconsidered in several papers: \cite{CF1}, \cite{Ga1}, \cite{Ga2}, \cite{Ga3} \cite{GG}, \cite{Ge1}, \cite{Ge2}; a small divisor problem arising in elliptic systems of PDE's has been solved by similar methods in \cite{CF2}. \giu In this paper we consider several small divisor problems and discuss a general method that allows to prove compensations among ``elementary" contributions to the $k^{\rm th}$ order of the associated formal expansion. Such compensations, modulo technical estimates (which have been thoroughly discussed in \cite{CF1}), yield new proofs of the {\sl convergence} of the formal power series. \giu The starting point in this subject is a formal power series whose coefficients are {\sl bona fide} functions determined by linear recursive equations. ``Recursive" means that the $k^{\rm th}$ coefficient can be expressed (typically by Taylor's expansions and by inversion of suitable differential operator $D$) in terms of the derivatives of a given function (``the Hamiltonian" or ``the Lagrangian") and in terms of the $h^{\rm th}$ coefficients with $h0$); the second sum runs over all possible functions assigning to each vertex $v\in V$ of a rooted tree $T$ an integer vector $\a_v\in\zN$ with the constrain $\sum_{v\in V} \a_v=n$; the third sum runs over a suitable set of (possibly) vector--valued indices taking a finite number of values ($\# B<\io$); $\L$ is a complex vector depending on $T$, $\{\a_v\}_{v\in V}$, $\{\b_v\}_{v\in V}$ and on the Hamiltonian (or Lagrangian); finally $\g_v\in\real$ are {\sl divisors} that are described as follows. Rooted trees can be naturally equipped with a partial order: we say that $v'\le v$ if the path joining the root $r$ of $T$ with $v'$ contains $v$; (obviously $v'< v$ means $v'\le v$ and $v'\neq v$ and $r\ge v$ $\forall$ $v\in V$ \ie the root $r$ is the first vertex of the rooted tree $T$). Given a function $\a$, we define \beq{1.dl} \d_v\=\d_v(T,\a)\=\sum_{v'\in V:\ v'\le v} \a_v\ . \eeq The divisors $\g_v$, which may assume arbitrarily small values, are defined in terms of a real--valued function $\lg \cdot \rg$ which satisfies the {\sl Diophantine condition} \beq{1.dp} |\lg n \rg|^{-1} \le \g |n|^\t\ ,\qquad \forall\ n\in \zN\backslash\{0\} \eeq with suitable positive constants $\g,\t$.\footnote{ Typically, in dynamical systems, $\lg n \rg = \o \cdot n$ (where the dot denotes the standard inner product in $\rN$) but in other situations (\eg \cite{CF2}) the function $\lg \cdot \rg$ might be more complicate (\eg non linear); in the case $\lg n \rg = \o \cdot n$ it is well known that, if $\t>N-1$ , up to a set of Lebesgue measure zero, all $\o\in\rN$ satisfy \equ{1.dp} for some $\g$.} Then \beq{} \g_v\=\g_v(T,\a,\b)\=\cases{ \lg \d_v\rg^{-\s_v} & if $\d_v\neq 0$\cr 1 & if $\d_v=0$.\cr} \eeq where $\s_v$ is, say, the first component of the index $\b_v$ and takes value $0$, $1$ or $2$. In \equ{} only the second sum runs over an infinite set of indices: therefore we assume that there exist positive numbers $\xi,\xi',a>0$ such that, if we set \beq{} a^k_{n}\= \frac{1}{k!}\sum_{T\in \cT^k_*} \sum_{ {\a:V\to \zN}\atop{\Sigma \a_v=n}} \sum_{\b:V\to B} |\L(T,\a,\b)| \prod_{v\in V} e^{\xi'|\a_v|} \ , \eeq then, for all $k$ and $n$ one has \beq{'} a^k_{n}\le a^k e^{-\xi|n|}\ . \eeq In the models considered here, such an assumption is an immediate consequence of the well--posedness of the (formal) problem and of the analyticity assumptions on the Hamiltonian (Lagrangian). >From \equ{} it follows at once that if one could bound the product of the divisors as\footnote{From now on we will adhere to the the common abuse of notation $v\in T$ in place of the more proper $v\in V(T)$ and also if $vv'=v'v$ denotes an edge of $T$, we shall denote $vv'\in T$ rather than the more proper $vv'\in E(T)$.} \beq{} \prod_{v\in T} |\g_v|\le c^k_3 \ \prod_{T} (1+|\a_v|^b) \eeq for some $c_3 > 1$ and $b > 0$, then from \equ{1.ft}, \equ{} and \equ{} it would follow \beq{1.5} |Z^k_{n}| \le \frac{1}{k!}\sum_{T\in \cT^k_*} \sum_{ {\a:V\to \zN}\atop{\Sigma \a_v=n}} \sum_{\b:V\to B} |\L(T,\a,\b)| \ c^k_4 \ \prod_{v\in V} (1+|\a_v|^b) \le c^k_5 e^{-\xi |n|} , \eeq (for suitable $c_1 > 0$) leading to ``absolute" convergence (\ie convergence without compensations) of the formal expansion $Z$. Indeed Siegel's original proof is based on a similar argument, even though the set up is slightly different (and simpler). Technically Siegel's problem corresponds to $\th$ varying in a small (complex) ball so that Fourier series is replaced by Taylor series and $\a_v$ ranges over $\integer^N_+$: in such a case $\d_v\neq \d_{v'}$ whenever $v>v'$ and Siegel's method \cite{S} yields the estimates \equ{}\footnote{For a detailed discussion, in the present language, of Siegel's methods see Appendix C of \cite{CF1}; for a different approach see \cite{Br}.}. The problem with $\a_v\in \zN$ is that one can have ``resonances" \ie $\d_v=\d_{v'}$ for $v>v'$ which may lead to obstinate repetitions of particularly small divisors. It is well known (see \eg \cite{CF1}, Appendix B) that, in general, one has, for arbitrarily large $k$, subfamilies $\cF_{\rm div}\subset \cT^k_*$ and a choice of $\bar \a$ and $\bar \b$ (depending only on the subfamily) such that, for suitable $\bar a,\bar b>0$, \beq{1.di} \frac{1}{k!}\sum_{T\in \cF_{\rm div}} \L(T,\bar \a,\bar \b) \ \ \prod_{v\in V} \g_v \ge \bar a^k k!^{\bar b}\ . \eeq Such families are obtained by taking {\sl chains of resonances} which are defined as follows. Given $T\in \cT^k_*$ and $\a$ (\ie $\{\a_v\}_{v\in T}$), a {\sl resonance} is % a subtree\footnote{When referred to trees the notation $T'\subset T$ will always mean ``$T'$ (unrooted) subtree of $T$". Other special conventions we are adopting are the following: a) for rooted trees the root (usually denoted $r$) may be identified by adding an extra edge $\eta r$ where $\eta$ is a symbol (not a vertex of the tree) sometimes called the ``earth"; with these positions one has, for trees, $\# E= \#V-1$ and, for rooted trees, $\# E= \#V$; b) the degree of a vertex $v$ is the number of edges $vv'$ incident with $v$ and if $v=r$ is the root, the edge $\eta r$ is included in the count; c) the degree of a subtree $T'\subset T$ is the number of edges connecting $T'$ with $T\backslash T'$; if $T$ is rooted and the root $r$ belongs to $T'$ the edge $\eta r$ must be included in the count.} % $R\subset T$ such that: i) $R$ is of degree two (\ie $R$ is connected to $T\backslash R$ by two edges); ii) if $u$ is the first vertex\footnote{Recall that $T$ is a rooted tree and hence partially ordered (the order being such that the first vertex of $T$ is always its root).} in $R$ and $z$ is the first vertex following $R$, then $\d_u=\d_z\neq 0$; iii) $R$ cannot be disconnected, by removal of one edge, into two subtrees of degree two satisfying i) and ii). It will be important to consider different choices of the index $\b$ (\ie $\{\b_v\}_{v\in T}$): in particular given a resonance $R$ and given $\b$ we call {\sl order of the resonance} the number (see \equ{}) $\s\=\s_u$ ($u$ being the first vertex of $R$). A {\sl chain of resonances} is a maximal series of resonances $R_1,...,R_h$ with $R_i$ adjacent\footnote{\ie connected by one edge.} to $R_{i+1}$; given a choice of $\b$, the {\sl order of the chain} is defined to be $\bar \s\=\s_1+\cdots +\s_h$ where $\s_i\=\s_{u_i}$, $u_i$ being the first vertex of $R_i$. >From these positions it follows that if $C$ is a chain of order $\bar \s$, if $n=\d_z$ where $z$ is the first vertex following the chain (\ie following the last resonance, which by convention will be $R_h$), then \beq{} \prod_{v\in C} \g_v = \lg n \rg^{-\bar \s} \prod_{ {v\in C}\atop {v\neq u_i}} \g_v \eeq (where $v\in C$ means $v\in \bigcup_i V(R_i)$). The examples for which \equ{1.di} holds are based on chains with $\bar \s\sim k$ and $|\lg n \rg|\sim k^{-1}$. This phenomenon may be cured through compensations. To be more precise we introduce the notion of ``compensable chain". Consider a chain $C=(R_1,...,R_h)$, ($h\ge 1$) and fix the indices $\b_v$. Let, as above, $u_i$ be the first vertex in $R_i$, let $R_i$ be connected to $R_{i+1}$ by the edge $w_i u_{i+1}$ with $w_i\in R_i$ and $u_1\ge w_1>u_2\ge ...\ge w_h$; let $z$ be the first vertex following the chain (\ie following $w_h$) and $n\=\d_z$; and, finally, let $P_i$ be the path joining $u_i$ with $w_i$. Consider the following function of $x\in \complex$ \beq{1.pi} \pi_C(x;T,\a,\b)\=\prod_{i=1}^h \pi_{R_i}(x;T,\a,\b)\ , \qquad \pi_{R_i}(x) \=\prod_{v\in (R_i\backslash P_i)} \g_v\ \prod_{{v\in P_i}\atop{v\neq u_i}} \bar \g_v(x)\ , \eeq where, if $u_i=w_i$ (\ie $P_i=\{u_i\}$), the product over $P_i$ is absent, while if $v\in P_i\neq \{u_i\}$ we set \beq{1.pi'} \bar \g_v(x)\= \lg \sum_{ {v'\in R_i}\atop {v'\le v}} \a_{v'} + x n \rg^{-\s_v} \ . \eeq Thus, $\g_v=\bar \g_v (1)$ and \beq{1.10} \prod_{v\in C} \g_v= \lg n \rg^{-\bar \s} \pi_C(1)\ . \eeq We say that {\sl a chain $C\subset T\in \cT^k_*$ {\rm (\ie $C=(R_1,...,R_h)$ with $R_i\subset T$)} is compensable} if there exists a family of trees $\cF_C\subset \cT^k_*$ whose elements $T'$ have $C$ as common chain of resonance, and, for each $T'$, there exists a choice of indices $\b'\=\b'(T')$, such that the function\footnote{ In other words, the elements $T'$ of $\cF_C$ are obtained from $T$ and $C$ by (possibly) changing the edges connecting $T\backslash C$ with $R_1$, $R_1$ with $R_2$,...,$R_h$ with $T\backslash C$, and by (possibly) changing the values of the indices $\b$ on $C$.} \beq{1.11} \bar \pi_C(x)\=\sum_{T'\in \cF_C} \L(T',\a,\b')\ \pi_C(x;T',\a,\b') \eeq has a zero in $x$ of order at least $\bar \s-1$. >From the detailed estimates in \cite{CF1}, it follows easily that {\sl if in a small divisor problem all chains of resonances are compensable then the associated formal series \equ{1.1} is in fact convergent}. In the rest of the paper we shall prove the following statements. \giu {\bf P1)} Let $H=H_0(y)+\e H_1(x,y)$ be a real--analytic Hamiltonian with $y\in B({y_0})\subset \rN$, $x\in \tN$ and $(x,y)$ standard symplectic coordinates\footnote{This simply means that the Hamiltonian (evolution) equations are given by $\dot x= \dpr_y H$, $\dot y=- \dpr_x H$.}; here $B({y_0})$ denotes some $N$--sphere centered at $y_0$. Assume the following standard ``non degeneracy conditions" on the ``integrable part" $H_0$: i) the Hessian matrix $\dpr^2_y H_0(y_0)$ is invertible; ii) $\o\=\dpr_y H_0\in\rN$ is a Diophantine vector \ie there exists $\g,\t>0$ such that\footnote{Compare with \equ{1.dp}.} \beq{} |\o \cdot n|^{-1} \le \g |n|^\t\ , \qquad \forall\ n\in \zN\backslash \{0\}\ . \eeq Then, quasi--periodic solutions with frequencies $\o$, \ie solutions of the form $(x(t),y(t))=Z(\o t)$ with $Z^0(\th)=(\th,y_0)$ and $Z^k:\th\in \tN \to Z^k(\th)\in \real^{2N}$, satisfy the equations \beq{1.h1} D Z = J \dpr H\Big( Z(\th) \Big)\ , \eeq where $D\=\o\cdot \dpr_\th$, $J$ is the standard symplectic matrix $\pmatrix{0 & I\cr -I & 0\cr}$ and $\dpr$ is the gradient $\dpr_{(x,y)}$ with respect to the variables $(x,y)$. Then it is well known\footnote{See \cite{Po} or Appendix B of \cite{CF1}.} that there exists a unique formal solutions $Z\sim \sum_{k\ge 0} \e^k Z^k$ of \equ{1.h1} with the normalization condition \beq{1.av} \ig_{\tN} \p_1\circ Z^k d\th= 0\ \quad (k\ge 1) , \eeq where $\p_1$ is the projection onto the first coordinates: $\p_1(x,y)=x$. We can then prove \thm{thm1} There exists a tree expansion \equ{} for $Z$ such that all chains of resonances are compensable. \ethm % {\bf P2)} The formulation for the Lagrangian case is very similar. We let $L\=L_0(y)+\e L_1(x,y)$ be a real--analytic Lagrangian\footnote{The Lagrangian (evolution equations) are $\frac{d}{dt} \dpr_y L(x,\dot x)= \dpr_x L(x,\dot x)$.} with $L_i$ satisfying the same hypotheses assumed above for $H_i$ and $\o$, except that now $\o \= y_0$. Quasi--periodic solutions $x(t)=Z(\o t)=\sum_{k\ge 0} \e^k Z^k(\o t)$, where now $Z^0(\th)=\th$ and $Z^k:\th\in \tN\to Z^k(\th)\in \rN$, satisfy the equations \beq{1.h2} D \ \dpr_y L\big(Z(\th), DZ(\th)\big)= \dpr_x L\big(Z(\th), DZ(\th)\big) \ ,\qquad (D\=\o\cdot\dpr_\th)\ . \eeq Mimicking the proof of Appendix B in \cite{CF1} one can show that there exists a unique formal solution $Z\sim \sum_{k\ge 0} \e^k Z^k$ of \equ{1.h2} with the normalization condition as in \equ{1.av} but without the projection $\p_1$. Then, {\sl Theorem~\ref{thm1} holds also in this case}. \giu {\bf P3)} Maximal invariant tori correspond to analytic continuation (in $\e$) of unperturbed tori having ``all frequencies excited" \ie tori run by linear flow $t\to \o t$ with $\o\=\dpr_y H_0(y_0)$ rationally independent over $\zN$ and $N=\#$ of degrees of freedom. More delicate is what happens to unperturbed ``resonant" tori\footnote{Here, the word ``resonant" which is related to the ``resonances" of celestial mechanics, is used in a technically different meaning from the one used throughout this paper.} \ie invariant unperturbed tori for which there exist $n\in \zNn$ such that $\o\cdot n=0$. We shall argue (see next item P4)) that {\sl in general, such tori are not analytically continuable for $\e\neq 0$}. Nevertheless we will show, under suitable conditions, how to construct, with the (intrinsically analytic) methods outlined above, lower dimensional invariant (unstable) tori when $\e\neq 0$. For simplicity, we shall discuss only a special case of ``second order" nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems with Hamiltonian function \beq{1.12} H\= \frac{1}{2} y^2 + \frac{1}{2} p^2 + \e f(x,q) \eeq where $(x,y)$ are symplectic variables as above (\ie with $x\in \tN$) and so are $(q,p)$ with $q\in \tM$; hence the number of degrees of freedom is $N+M$ and we shall study $N$--dimensional invariant tori. The specification ``second order" is due to the particular form in which can be cast the Hamilton equations for $H$: \beq{1.13} \ddot x= -\e \dpr_x f\ ,\qquad \ddot q = -\e \dpr_q f\ . \eeq For $\e=0$, $N$--dimensional invariant tori (up to a trivial linear and symplectic change of coordinates\footnote{A transformation of (standard) symplectic coordinates $(q,p)$ (of a $2d$--dimensional phase space) is called {\sl symplectic} if it preserves the (standard) two form $\sum_{i=1}^d dq_i\wedge dp_i$.}) are spanned by solutions of the form $(y,p)=(\o,0)$, $(x,q)=(x_0+\o t, q_0)$. % >From classical transformation theory it follows that (if $\o$ satisfies \equ{}) the evolution equations of $H$ in \equ{1.12} are equivalent to the evolution equations for a Hamiltonian of the form $\frac{y^2}{2} +\frac{p^2}{2} +\e f_0(q) +o(\e)$ where $f_0$ is the average (w.r.t. $x$) over $\tN$ of $f$. Motivated by this observation, we consider the Hamiltonian \beq{1.12'} \frac{1}{2} y^2 + \frac{1}{2} p^2 + \e f_0(q) + \e^{2} \tilde f(x,q) \= H_0(q,y,p;\e) + H_1(x,q;\e) \ ,\qquad H_1\=\e^2 \tilde f\ . \eeq Even though $H_0$ is not, in general, integrable, {\sl if $q_0$ is a critical point for $f_0$}, $H_0$ still admits the invariant $N$--torus $\cT_0$ spanned by $(y,p)=(\o,0)$, $q=q_0$ and $x= x_0+ \o t$ and we want to study the persistence of such torus for the full Hamiltonian. To attack the problem perturbatively, we introduce a new analyticity parameter $\m$ with respect to which we shall make formal (and eventually convergent with radius of convergence greater than one) power series expansion and consider the Hamiltonian $H_0+\m H_1$ (so that for $\m=1$ we recover the Hamiltonian \equ{1.12'}). We also make the following {\sl hyperbolicity assumption}: we assume that $q_0$ is such that the matrix $\e \dpr^2_q f_0(q_0)$ is {\sl positive definite}. Under these hypotheses it is easy to prove that there exists a (unique) formal expansion \beq{1.15} Z\=(Z_1,...,Z_d)\sim \sum_{k\ge 0} Z^k(\th;\e) \m^k\ ,\qquad \th\in \torus^N\ ,\qquad d=2(N+M) \eeq such that $t\to Z(\o t)$ is a formal quasi--periodic solution of the Hamiltonian equations governed by $H_0+\m H_1$ and such that the set $\{ Z^{0}(\th):\th\in \tN\}$ coincides with the unperturbed torus $\cT_0$ introduced above. Uniqueness is achieved by requiring \equ{1.av} where $\p_1$ denotes the projection onto the $x$ variable. Then, {\sl Theorem~\ref{thm1} holds also in this case}. >From this result, as already remarked, it follows that the formal power series is actually convergent but, what is more interesting in this case, one can show that for $\e\neq 0$ small enough, {\sl the radius of convergence (in $\m$) is greater than one} so that the set $\{ Z(\th):\th\in \tN, \m=1\}$ is an invariant $N$--torus for the Hamiltonian \equ{1.12'}. We finally mention that from \cite{Gr} it follows easily that these tori are {\sl whiskered} in the sense of \cite{A2}. \giu {\bf P4)} Consider again the Hamiltonian \equ{1.12}. Indeed, one can consider formal power series in $\e$ and one can show that {\sl if $q_0$ is a non degenerate critical point of the $x$--average of $f$ then there exists a (unique) formal power series \equ{1.1} (with $d=2(N+M)$) such that $t\to Z(\o t)$ ($\o$ satisfying \equ{}) is a formal quasi--periodic solution for \equ{1.12} and the set $\{Z^{0}(\th):\th\in\zN\}$ coincide with the torus spanned by $y=\o$, $p=0$, $q=q_0$, $x= x_0 +\o t$.} Uniqueness, again, is enforced by the requirement \equ{1.av}. Also for such a formal series one can write down a tree expansion completely analogous to those referred to in P1)$\div$P3) above. However, we shall prove that there exist chains $C=(R_1,...,R_h)$ such that if $\cF_0$ denotes the family of {\sl all} trees with chain $C$ then \beq{1.16} \sum_{T'\in\cF_0} \L (T')\ \p_C(0)\neq 0\ . \eeq In view of this fact it seems natural to {\sl conjecture that in the present case the formal power series $Z$ is divergent}. \section{Weighted trees} \label{sec:par3} \setcounter{equation}{0} % Here we describe the tree family $\cT^k_*$, which appears in the basic formula \equ{}. \giu For the models P3) and P4) introduced in \S~\ref{sec:par2}, $\cT^k_*$ is simply the family of all labeled, rooted trees with $k$ vertices\footnote{The basic terminology can be found in any introductory book on graphs or in Appendix~A of \cite{CF1}.}, which we will denote by $\cT^k$. In this case, as is well known (see \eg \cite{Bo}), $\# \cT^k = k^{k-1}$ and \equ{1.ft} is clearly satisfied. \giu To treat the cases P1) and P2) one has to distinguish, in the Taylor's expansion, the contributions coming from $H_0$ and $L_0$ from those coming from $H_1$ and $L_1$. To do this we introduce the following family of ``weighted trees". Given a rooted (unlabeled) tree $T$ we call a function of the vertices of $T$ \beq{3.1} \chi : v\in V(T) \to \chi_v\in\{0,1\} \eeq a {\sl weight function}. A {\sl weighted rooted tree} is a couple $(T,\chi)$ with $T$ a rooted tree and $\chi$ a weight function. We now denote $\widetilde \cT_k$ the set of weighted rooted trees satisfying \beq{3.2} (i) \quad \deg v\le 2 \ \implies \ \chi_v=1\ ,\qquad (ii) \quad \sum_{v\in T} \chi_v = k\ . \eeq Notice that, in particular, all final vertices (\ie vertices of degree 1) have weight 1 and that, for any $T\in \widetilde \cT_k$, $\# V(T) \le 2k-1$ as is easy to verify\footnote{ Let $V_i=\{v\in V:\chi_v=i\}$, and let $k_i=\#V_i$, so that $k=k_1$. It is well known (see, \eg, \cite{Bo} and recall our convention on degree of the root) that $\sum\limits_{V_0} \deg v + \sum\limits_{V_1} \deg v= 2(k_0+k_1)-1$. If $v\in V_0$ then $\deg v\ge 3$, thus the sum over $V_0$ can be bounded from below by $3 k_0$ while the sum over $V_1$ can be bounded from below by $k_1$. This leads to $k_0\le k_1-1$ which is the claim. Such inequality is optimal.}. We now define the class $\cT_k$ of {\sl labeled, weighted rooted trees} obtained from $\widetilde \cT_k$ by labelling with $k$ different labels the $k$ vertices with weight 1. \giu In cases P1) and P2) we let $\cT^k_*=\cT_k$; it is easy to check that \equ{1.ft} holds also in this case\footnote{ Since (\cite{Bo}) $\# \widetilde \cT^h\le 4^h$ and $\# V(T)\le 2k-1$ for any $T\in \widetilde \cT_k$ one sees that $\# \widetilde \cT_k\le 4^{2k}$. Since the labels are attached to $k$ vertices, it is $\# \cT_k\le k! 4^{2k}$.}. \giu The relation between Taylor's formula and trees may be based on the following operation $*$ (that we now briefly discuss for the case of $\cT_k$; for the case $\cT^k$ see Appendix~B of \cite{CF1}). If $T\in\cT_k$ we denote by $\widetilde T$ the tree in $\widetilde \cT_k$ obtained by removing the labels from $T$; we also denote $T^0$ (or $\widetilde T^0$) the unrooted tree obtained from $T$ (or $\widetilde T$) by removing the edge $\eta r$ \ie by not distinguishing any more the root from the other vertices; finally if $T$ (or $\widetilde T$) is an unrooted labeled (or unlabeled) tree and $r$ is one of its vertices, we denote by $T_r$ (or $\widetilde T_r$) the rooted tree obtained by adding the edge $\eta r$ (\ie by decreeing that $r$ is the root). Let $\chi\in \{0,1\}$ and $\ell\ge 1$, let $h_i$ be $\ell$ positive integers such that $h_1+\cdots+h_\ell=k-\chi$ and pick trees $T_i\in\widetilde \cT_{h_i}$. We can form a tree $T\in \widetilde \cT_k$ with root $r$ ($r$ being a vertex different from the vertices of $T_i$, $\forall$ $i$) of weight $\chi_r\=\chi$ by setting \beq{3.4} T\=T_{h_1}*\cdots *T_{h_\ell}\= \Big(T_{h_1}^0\cup\cdots\cup T^0_{h_\ell} \cup \{r\}+ \sum_{i=1}^\ell rr_i\Big)_r \eeq where $r_i$ is the root of $T_i$ (and summing an edge $e$ to a tree $S$ means, obviously, to add $e$ to $E(S)$). Then, one has the following \pro{pro:1} Let $F$ be a complex valued function defined on trees in $\widetilde \cT_k$ (for any $k$). Then \beq{3.5} \frac{1}{k!} \sum_{T\in \cT_k} F(\widetilde T) = \sum_{\chi=0,1} \sum_{\ell=2-\chi}^{k-\chi} \frac{1}{\ell!} \ \sum_{h_1+\cdots+h_\ell=k-\chi}\prod_{i=1}^\ell \frac{1}{h_i!} \ \sum_{ T_i\in \cT_{h_i}} F(\widetilde T_{h_1}*\cdots * \widetilde T_{h_\ell})\ . \eeq \epro For the proof we refer to \cite{CF1} (Corollary~B.1 of Appendix~B)\footnote{In \cite{CF1} it is treated the case of $\cT^k$ (the $*$ operation in $\widetilde \cT^k$ is defined as above, replacing $\chi$ systematically by 1); adapting the proof to $\cT_k$ is a trivial exercise.} . % \begin{figure}[hbt] \begin{center} \begin{picture}(350,80) \thicklines \put(5,20){\begin{picture}(30,60) \put(0,40){\circle{8}} \multiput(0,40)(15,0){3}{\circle*{3}} \multiput(-2,48)(15,0){3}{{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(0,40){\line(1,0){30}} \end{picture}} \put(60,20){\begin{picture}(30,60) \put(15,40){\circle{8}} \multiput(0,40)(15,0){3}{\circle*{3}} \multiput(-2,48)(15,0){3}{{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(0,40){\line(1,0){30}} \end{picture}} \put(115,20){\begin{picture}(30,60) \put(0,40){\circle{8}} \multiput(0,40)(15,0){2}{\circle*{3}} \put(0,40){\line(1,0){15}} \put(-2,48){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(13,48){{\scriptsize $0$}} \put(35,50){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(35,28){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(30,50){\circle*{3}} \put(15,40){\line(3,2){15}} \put(30,30){\circle*{3}} \put(15,40){\line(3,-2){15}} \end{picture}} \put(170,20){\begin{picture}(30,60) \put(15,40){\circle{8}} \multiput(0,40)(15,0){2}{\circle*{3}} \put(0,40){\line(1,0){15}} \put(-2,48){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(13,48){{\scriptsize $0$}} \put(35,50){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(35,28){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(30,50){\circle*{3}} \put(15,40){\line(3,2){15}} \put(30,30){\circle*{3}} \put(15,40){\line(3,-2){15}} \end{picture}} \put(225,20){\begin{picture}(45,60) \put(15,40){\circle{8}} \multiput(0,40)(15,0){4}{\circle*{3}} \put(-2,48){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(13,48){{\scriptsize $0$}} \put(28,48){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(43,48){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(0,40){\line(1,0){45}} \end{picture}} \put(295,20){\begin{picture}(45,60) \put(15,40){\circle{8}} \multiput(0,40)(15,0){3}{\circle*{3}} \put(0,40){\line(1,0){30}} \put(-2,48){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(13,48){{\scriptsize $0$}} \put(29,48){{\scriptsize $0$}} \put(45,50){\circle*{3}} \put(30,40){\line(3,2){15}} \put(45,30){\circle*{3}} \put(30,40){\line(3,-2){15}} \put(50,50){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(50,28){{\scriptsize $1$}} \end{picture}} \parbox{12cm}{\caption{\label{fig:wt1}The elements of $\widetilde \cT_3$. (The numbers $0$, $1$ are the values of the index $\chi$ for the corresponding vertices and the encircled vertex is the root of the tree).}} \end{picture} \end{center} \end{figure} % % \begin{figure}[hbt] \begin{center} \begin{picture}(350,80) \thicklines \put(115,20){\begin{picture}(30,60) \put(0,40){\circle{8}} \multiput(0,40)(20,0){2}{\circle*{3}} \multiput(-2,48)(20,0){2}{{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(-4,25){$u_2$} \put(16,25){$u_1$} \put(0,40){\line(1,0){20}} \end{picture}} \put(170,20){\begin{picture}(30,60) \put(0,40){\circle{8}} \multiput(0,40)(20,0){2}{\circle*{3}} \multiput(-2,48)(20,0){2}{{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(-4,25){$u_1$} \put(16,25){$u_2$} \put(0,40){\line(1,0){20}} \end{picture}} \put(225,20){\begin{picture}(30,60) \put(0,40){\circle*{3}} \put(0,40){\circle{8}} \put(-2,48){{\scriptsize $0$}} \put(13,55){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(13,35){{\scriptsize $1$}} \put(20,50){$u_1$} \put(20,30){$u_2$} \put(15,50){\circle*{3}} \put(0,40){\line(3,2){15}} \put(15,30){\circle*{3}} \put(0,40){\line(3,-2){15}} \end{picture}} \parbox{12cm}{\caption{\label{fig:wt2}The elements of $\cT_2$ ($u_1$ and $u_2$ are the labels of $\cT_2$).}} \end{picture} \end{center} \end{figure} % \section{Compensations I (Maximal Hamiltonian tori)} \label{sec:par4} \setcounter{equation}{0} \subsection{Tree expansion} \label{subsec:4.1} % Consider the model introduced in P1) of \S~\ref{sec:par2} and recall that there exists a unique formal solutions $Z\sim\sum_{k\ge 0} \e^k Z^k$ satisfying \equ{1.h1} and \equ{1.av}. Denote by $Z^{(1)k}$ the $x$--component (\ie the first $N$ components) of the vector $Z^k$ and by $Z^{(2)k}$ the $y$--component; consistently, let $\dpr^{(1)}\=\dpr_x$ and $\dpr^{(2)}\=\dpr_y$. We also let \beqno [\ \cdot\ ]_k\= \frac{1}{k!} \frac{d^k}{d\e^k}\ (\cdot)|_{\e=0} \eeqno denote the $k^{\rm th}$ order operator which to a (possibly formal) power series $a\sim \sum a_k \e^k$ associates its $k^{\rm th}$ order coefficient: $[ a ]_k\= a_k$. Finally let \beq{4.0} A \= \dpr^2_y H_0(y_0)\ . \eeq With these definitions, we can rewrite \equ{1.h1} as \beq{4.1} D Z^{(1)k} = A Z^{{(2)} k} + [\dpr^{(2)} H_0]_k^{(k-1)} + [\dpr^{(2)} H_1]_{k-1}^{(k-1)}\ , \qquad D Z^{{(2)} k} = - [\dpr^{(1)} H_1]_{k-1}^{(k-1)}\ , \eeq where the suffix $\phantom{[\cdot]}^{(k-1)}$ means that the argument of the function within square brackets is, for $k\ge 2$, the polynomial in $\e$ of degree $(k-1)$ given by \beq{4.pol} x=\th+\sum_{h=1}^{k-1} \e^h Z^{{(1)} k}\ , \qquad y= y_0+ \sum_{h=1}^{k-1} \e^h Z^{{(2)} k}\ , \eeq and, for $k=1$, is $(x,y)=(\th,y_0)$. Since the average of $[\dpr^{(1)} H_1]_{k-1}^{(k-1)}$ vanishes (as is clear from the second of \equ{4.1}) we can apply to it the operator $D^{-1}$ obtained by inverting the constant coefficient operator\footnote{If $f$ is a (smooth) function on $\tN$ with vanishing mean value we denote by $D^{-1} f$ the unique solution with vanishing mean value of the equation for $g$: $D g = f$. Expanding in Fourier series one has $g(\th)=D^{-1}f(\th)= -i \sum\limits_{n\in\zNn} \frac{f_n}{\o\cdot n} \exp({i n\cdot \th})$, where $i=\sqrt{-1}$: the inversion of $D$ introduces the small divisors.} $D$ and rewrite \equ{4.1} in a more compact way as \beq{4.2} D Z^{(\r)k}= (2-\r) A Z^{(2)k}+ \sum_{\chi=0,1} (-1)^{3-\r} [\dpr^{(3-\r)} H_\chi]^{(k-1)}_{k-\chi}\ , \qquad (\r=1,2)\ . \eeq Notice that while, by \equ{1.av}, the average of $Z^{(1)k}$ vanishes, the average of $Z^{(2)k}$ can be read (for $\r=1$) from \equ{4.2} by integrating over $\tN$: \beq{4.3} \ig_{\tN} Z^{(2)k}=- A^{-1} \sum_{\chi=0,1} \ig_{\tN} [\dpr^{(2)} H_\chi]^{(k-1)}_{k-\chi}\ . \eeq Taking the $n$--Fourier coefficient of \equ{4.2}, \equ{4.3} one gets \beq{4.4} Z^{(\r)k}_n= \sumsud{\s\in \{0,1,2\}^*}{\chi\in\{0,1\} } \lg n\rg^{-\s}\ \Big\{ [D^{(\s,\r)} H_\chi]_{k-\chi}^{(k-1)}\Big\}_n\ ,\qquad \big(\lg n\rg\= \o\cdot n\big)\ , \eeq where $D^{(\s,\r)}$ is the vector--valued operator\footnote{ For example the $j^{\rm th}$ component of $D^{(2,1)}$ is given by $D_{j}^{(2,1)}=\sum\limits_{s=1}^N \frac{\dpr^2 H_0}{\dpr y_j\dpr y_s}(y_0) \frac{\dpr}{\dpr x_s}$.} \beq{4.5} D^{(\s,\r)}\=(-1)^{1-\s\r} \ i^{-\s}\ A^{\s-1}\ \dpr^{(4-\s-\r)}\ , \eeq and the $*$ attached to the range of $\s$ means that the following {\sl constraints} have to be satisfied: $\s+\r\in \{2,3\}$ and $\s=0$ $\iff$ $n=0$ in which case we adopt the convention that $\lg n\rg^\s=0^0\=1$. Notice that $D^{(\s,\r)} H_\chi=0$ if $\chi=0$ and $\s+\r=3$ (as in such a case $\dpr^{(4-\s-\r)}=\dpr_x$ and $H_0$ is independent of $x$). \giu We shall now use Taylor's formula in the following form. If $f:x\in \real^m \to f(x)\in \real$ is a $C^\io$ function and if $a(\e)\sim\sum_{s\ge 1} \e^s a^{(s)}$ is a $\real^m$--valued (possibly formal) power series, then \beq{4.6} f\big(a(\e)\big) \sim f(0) + \sum_{h\ge 1} \e^h \sum_{\ell=1}^h \frac{1}{\ell!} \sum_{{h_1+\cdots+h_\ell=h}\atop{1\le h_i\le \ell}} \sum_{{j_1,...,j_\ell}\atop{1\le j_i\le m}} \frac{\dpr^\ell f}{\dpr x_{j_1}\cdots\dpr x_{j_\ell}}(0)\ a^{(h_1)}_{j_1}\cdots a^{(h_\ell)}_{j_\ell}\ . \eeq Thus, if $z\=(x,y)$ and $z^{(1)}\=x$, $z^{(2)}\=y$, by \equ{4.4} and \equ{4.6} we get for the $j^{th}$ component of the vector $Z^{(\r)k}_n$, and for $k\ge 2$, \beqa{4.7} && Z^{(\r)k}_{nj}= \\ && \sum_{ {\s\in \{0,1,2\}^*}\atop{\chi\in \{0,1\}}} \sum_{\ell=2-\chi}^{k-\chi} \frac{1}{\ell!} \sumsut{1\le h_i\le k-1}{\Sigma h_i=k-\chi}{(1\le i\le \ell)} \sumsut{n_i\in\zN}{\Sigma n_i=n}{(0\le i\le \ell)} \sum_{{\r_1,...,\r_\ell}\atop{\r_i\in \{1,2\}}} \sum_{ {j_1,...,j_\ell}\atop{1\le j_i\le N}} \lg n\rg^{-\s} \Big\{ \frac{ \dpr^\ell\ D_{j}^{(\s,\r)} H_\chi}{\dpr z^{(\r_1)}_{j_1} \cdots \dpr z^{(\r_\ell)}_{j_\ell}} \Big\}_{n_0} \prod_{i=1}^\ell Z^{(\r_i)h_i}_{n_i j_i}\nonumber\ , \eeqa where the derivatives of $H_\chi$ are evaluated at $(\th,y_0)$ and then one takes the $n_0$--Fourier coefficient (with respect to $\th$); for $k=1$, since $[D^{(\s,\r)} H_0]_1^{(0)}=0$, one has the simple formula \beq{4.7'} Z^{(\r)1}_{nj}= \sum_{\s\in \{0,1,2\}^*} \lg n\rg^{-\s} \{D^{(\s,\r)}_j H_1\}_n\ . \eeq We are ready to prove the following {\sl tree expansion formula} (recall \equ{}, \equ{1.dl}) \beq{4.8} Z^{(\r_0)k}_{nj_0} = \frac{1}{k!} \sum_{T_r\in\cT_k} \quad \sum_{\a:V\to \a_v\in \zN \atop \Sigma_v \a_v = n}\quad \sumsud{\b:V\to\b_v\in B}{\r_r=\r_0} \quad \sumsud{j:V\to j_v\in\{1,...,N\}}{j_r=j_0}\ \prod_{v\in T_r} \big\{ \L_v(T_r,\b) H_{\chi_v} \big\}_{\a_v}\ \prod_{v\in T_r} \g_v \ , \eeq where: the index set $B$, which depends on the function $\d_v$, is defined as \beqa{4.B} & B & \=\Big\{\b=(\s,\r):\ \s\in\{0,1,2\};\ \r\in\{1,2\};\ {\rm s.t.}\nonumber\\ && \qquad \s+\r\in\{2,3\}\ ,\s=0\ \iff \ \d_v= 0\Big\}\ ; \eeqa the scalar operator $\L_v(T_r,\b)$ is given by \beq{4.9} \L_v(T_r,\b)\= D^{(\s_v,\r_v)}_{j_v} \prod_{v'\in \calN_v} \dpr_{j_{v'}}^{(\r_{v'})}\ , \qquad \calN_v\=\{v'v>w'$. % We shall classify resonances by assigning to them an integer $s\=s_R\in\{0,1,2\}$, which we shall call {\sl index of the resonance $R$}. Then, to each resonance $R\subset T$ we shall associate a family $\cF_R$ of trees $T'$ obtained by (possibly) changing the edges connecting $R$ with $T\bks R$ and choosing a suitable set of indices . The family $\cF_R$ and the index $\b'\=\b'(T')$ will be chosen so that (recall \equ{1.pi}) \beq{4.12} \sum_{T'\in\cF_R} \L(T',\a,\b')\ \pi_R(x;T',\a,\b')=O(x^s) \eeq and the family $\cF_C$ will simply be given by \beq{4.13} \cF_C=\bigcup_{i=1}^h \cF_{R_i} \ . \eeq Let $R$ be a resonance and let $u$ be its first vertex and $w'$ the first vertex following $R$. We define the {\sl index of $R$} as \beq{} s_R\=\s_u+\r_u-\r_{w'}\ . \eeq Thus if $C=(R_1,...,R_h)$ is a chain of resonances and if $\bar \s$ denotes its order (see \S~\ref{sec:par2}), then \beq{4.14} \sum_{i=1}^h s_{R_i}= \bar \s +\r_{u_1} - \r_{z} \eeq where $z$ is the first vertex following $R_h$ (which, by convention, is the last resonance in the chain $C$). Hence, if \equ{4.12} holds, from \equ{4.13}, \equ{4.14}, \equ{1.pi} and the definition of $\L$ \equ{4.11'} it follows easily that \beq{4.15} \sum_{T'\in \cF_C} \L(T',\a,\b')\ \pi_{C}(x;T',\a,\b')= O(x^{\bar \s +\r_{u_1} - \r_{z}}) \eeq which implies that the chain $C$ is compensable. \giu Let $R\subset T$ be a resonance and let $\hat u u$ and $w {w'}$ be the edges connecting $R$ with $T\bks R$, with $\hat u>u\ge w>{w'}$ (hence $u,w\in R$). We proceed by constructing the family $\cF_R$. If $\r_{w'}\neq 1$ we set $\cF_R'=\{T\}$; if $\r_{w'}=1$ we let $\cF_R'$ be the family of all trees $T'$ obtained from $T$ by replacing the edge $w {w'}$ with the edge $\bar w {w'}$, as $\bar w$ varies in $R$. Hence, $T\in\cF_R'$ and if $\r_{w'}=1$, $\# \cF_R'=\# R$. If $\s_u+\r_u\neq 3$ we set $\cF_R''=\{T\}$; if $\s_u+\r_u=3$ (\ie $(\s_u,\r_u)=(1,2)$ or $(\s_u,\r_u)=(2,1)$) we let $\cF_R''$ be the family of all trees $T'$ obtained from $T$ by replacing the edge $\hat u u$ with the edge $\hat u\bar u$, as $\bar u$ varies in $R$. As above, $T\in\cF_R''$ and if $\s_u+\r_u=3$, $\# \cF_R'=\# R$. In the first case (\ie for $T'\in\cF_R'$) we do not modify the values $\b_v$ (\ie $\b'(T')\=\b$). In the second case (\ie for $T'\in \cF_R''$) we define $\b'\=\b'(T')$ as follows. If $v\notin R$ then $\b'_v=\b_v$. Recall that, by definition, the first vertex of $R$ considered as subtree of $T'$ is $\bar u$ while the first vertex of $R$ considered as subtree of $T$ is $u$. Let $\bar u\neq u$ (otherwise, obviously, we set $\b'\=\b$) and consider the path $P(u,\bar u)$ connecting $u$ with $\bar u$. The path $P$ will be formed by $p\ge 2$ ordered vertices that we denote $v_i$: the order is such that $v_1=u$, $v_p=\bar u$ and the edges of the path are $v_1v_2$,...,$v_{p-1}v_p$. We then set \beqa{} & \b_{v_p}'\= \b_{v_1}\ , &\nonumber\\ & \b_{v_i}'\=\big( \s_{v_{i+1}}, 4-\s_{v_{i+1}}-\r_{v_{i+1}}\big)\ , &{\rm for}\ 1\le i\le p-1\nonumber\\ & \b_v'\=\b_v\ , &\forall\ v\notin P(u,v)\ . \eeqa It is easy to see that this definition is well posed (see also (ii) of the following Remark). Finally, we define \beq{4.fa} \cF_R\=\cF_R' \cup \cF_R''\ . \eeq \rem{rem:4.1} (i) If $s_R=0$, it is $\cF_R=\{T\}$ and $\b'\=\b$. \noindent (ii) The map $\b\to \b'$ is involutive: more precisely, if we denote by $\b'(\b;u,\bar u)$ the map defined in \equ{} (definition which depends on the ordered path $P(u,\bar u)$) then $\b'(\b'(\b;u,\bar u);\bar u,u)=\b$. \noindent (iii) One might say that the families $\cF_R'$ and $\cF_R''$ are constructed ``going around" the resonance $R$ with a ``discrete curve" obtained by moving, respectively, the edge connecting $R$ with $w'$ and the edge connecting $\hat u$ with $R$. This interpretation might explain the name ``index" given to the quantity $s_R$: $\cF_R$ is obtained by ``going around" $R$ exactly $s_R$ times. \noindent (iv) (On the definition of $\cF_R'$) In practice, moving around the edge $\bar w z$ produces a factor proportional to $\a_{\bar w}$ in \equ{4.11'} coming from the $\dpr^{(\r_z)}=\dpr^{(1)}$ appearing in \equ{4.9} (as $z\in \calN_{\bar w}$). It is easy to see that, for $x=0$, summing $\L$ $\pi_R(x)$ over the family $\cF_R'$ produces a {\sl common} factor $\sum_{\bar w\in R}\a_{\bar w}$ which vanishes by definition of resonance. \noindent (v) (On the definition of $\cF_R''$) The idea is similar: one wants to produce a factor proportional to $\a_{\bar u}$ when moving around the ``first" edge $\hat u \bar u$ connecting $R$ with $\hat u$. But now the situation is more delicate as changing the connection $\hat u\bar u$ {\sl changes the order} in $R$ and, consequently, change the small divisors and also the structure of the derivatives (since both $\g_v$ and $\L_v$ depend on the order). Since one wants eventually to set $x=0$ and collect the factor $\sum_{\bar u\in R}\a_{\bar u}$ one sees the necessity of changing the values of the indices $\b$. In fact $\b'$ is defined in such a way that, when $x=0$, one can factor out the {\sl product} of divisors and the {\sl products} of the operators (derivatives) $\L_v$. \erem % With the above remarks in mind, it is not difficult to verify that \equ{4.12} holds, proving Theorem~\ref{thm1} in case P1). \section{Compensations II (Maximal Lagrangian tori)} \label{sec:par5} \setcounter{equation}{0} % Consider the model introduced in P2) of \S~\ref{sec:par2} for a real--analytic Lagrangian $L\= L_0(y)+\e L_1(x,y)$. Formal quasi--periodic solutions of the Lagrangian equations have the form $x(t)=Z(\o t)$ for an $\o$ satisfying \equ{} and a function $Z(\th)$ which is the (unique) formal solution $Z\sim\sum_{k\ge 0} \e^k Z^k$, with $Z\in\real^N$, of \equ{1.h2}. The vector valued function $Z^k$ can be put in a form which is amazingly similar to the Hamiltonian case P1). \nin Let us denote by $Z^{(1)k}$ the full vector $Z^k \in \real^N$ and by $Z^{(2)k}$ the vector $DZ^k=DZ^{(1)k}$ (where $D\= \o\cdot\partial_\th$) and, as before, let $\dpr^{(1)}\=\dpr_x$, $\dpr^{(2)}\=\dpr_y$ and $A_L \= \dpr^2_y L_0(y_0)$. Equation \equ{1.h2} can then be written as \beq{5.1} A_L D Z^{{(2)} k} = - D[\dpr^{(2)} L_0]_k^{(k-1)} - D[\dpr^{(2)} L_1]_{k-1}^{(k-1)} + [\dpr^{(1)} L_1]_{k-1}^{(k-1)}\ . \eeq adopting the same convention used in \equ{4.1}: in particular the arguments of the functions within square brackets are as in \equ{4.pol}. As for the previous case (see \equ{4.4}), the $n$--Fourier coefficient of \equ{5.1} is \beq{5.2} Z^{(\r)k}_n= \sumsud{\s\in \{0,1,2\}^*}{\chi\in\{0,1\} } \lg n\rg^{-\s}\ \Big\{ [D_L^{(\s,\r)} L_\chi]_{k-\chi}^{(k-1)}\Big\}_n \eeq where $D_L^{(\s,\r)}$ is now the vector--valued operator \beq{5.3} D_L^{(\s,\r)}\=(-1)^{1-(\s+\r)} \ i^{-\s}\ A_L^{-1}\ \dpr^{(4-\s-\r)}\ , \eeq and $\{0,1,2\}^*$ is the same set of equation \equ{4.4}. \nin The Lagrangian problem is now in a form which is identical to the Hamiltonian case, except for the definition of $D_L^{(\s,\r)}$. Therefore the tree expansion formula for the component $j_0$ of the $n$--Fourier coefficient of $Z^k$, with fixed values of $\r_0$ and $j_0$ at the root $r$, is given again by \equ{4.8} with the only proviso of replacing $D^{(\s_v,\r_v)}_{j_v}$ in \equ{4.9} with $D^{(\s_v,\r_v)}_{L,j_v}$. \noindent Also, the families $\cF$ of trees for which there are compensations are found exactly as in the Hamiltonian case and we refer to \S~\ref{subsec:4.2} for details. \section{Compensations III (Lower dimensional tori)} \label{sec:par6} \setcounter{equation}{0} % Recall the notations of \S~\ref{sec:par2}, P3). Because of the particular form of the Hamiltonian, the formal solution\footnote{Recall that here $\e$ is a fixed real number different from zero, while the (complex) perturbation parameter appearing in the formal power series is $\m$.} $Z(\th,\m)$ is of the form $Z\=(X,Q,DX,DQ)$ where, as usual, $D\=\o\cdot \dpr_\th$, $\th\in\tN$ and $X\in \rN$, $Q\in \rM$. Denote \beq{6.2} Z^{(1)}\=X\ ,\quad Z^{(2)}\=Q\ ,\quad \dpr^{(1)}\=\dpr_x\ ,\quad \dpr^{(2)}\=\dpr_q\ ,\quad A\=\e \dpr^2_q f(q_0)\ (>0)\ . \eeq One checks immediately that the recursive equations for $Z^{(\r)k}$ ($\r=1,2$) are \beq{6.eq} \Big( -D^2+(\r-1) A\Big) Z^{(\r)k}= \sum_{\chi=0,1}\big[\dpr^{(\r)} H_\chi \big]^{(k-1)}_{k-\chi}\ ,\qquad \r=1,2 \eeq where the argument of the derivatives of $H_\chi$ is $x=\th$, $q=q_0$. From \equ{6.eq} one can see that the average (over $\tN$) of $Z^{(1)k}$ vanishes, while the average of $Z^{(2)k}$ is as in \equ{4.3} but with the minus sign replaced by a plus. Taking Fourier coefficients of \equ{6.eq} we get the analogous of \equ{4.4}, namely \beq{} Z^{(\r)k}_n= \sumsud{\s\in \{0,2\}^*}{\chi\in\{0,1\} } \lg n\rg^{-\s}\ \Big\{ [D^{(\r)}_n H_\chi]_{k-\chi}^{(k-1)}\Big\}_n\ ,\qquad \big(\lg n\rg\= \o\cdot n\big)\ , \eeq which differs from \equ{4.4} for the range of $\s$ and relative constraints: \beq{} \s \in \{0,2\}^*\ \iff \ \s+\r\in\{2,3\}\ ,\qquad n=0 \ \implies \ \s=0\ , \eeq and for the definition of the vector valued operator $D^{(\r)}_n$: \beq{6.dr} D^{(\r)}_n\= \Big( \lg n\rg^2+ A\Big)^{1-\r} \ \dpr^{(\r)}\ . \eeq Notice that the components $D^{(\r)}_{nj}$ are $N$ if $\r=1$ and $M$ if $\r=2$; we therefore let \beq{6.N} N_1\=N\ ,\qquad N_2\= M \ \implies j\in\{1,...,N_\r\}\ . \eeq Recall that $A=\e \dpr^2 f_0(q_0)$ is positive definite, and so is $a+A$ for any $a\ge 0$; thus \beq{6.aa} \|(a+A)^{-1}\| \le \frac{b}{|\e|} \eeq for a suitable constant $b$ depending only on $\dpr^2 f_0(q_0)$. We also remark that, by \equ{}, $\r=2$ implies $\s=0$ (hence no divisors) while if $\r=1$ then $\s=2$ and $n\neq 0$, in which case the divisors are $\lg n\rg^2$. In view of these remarks, we see that \equ{4.8} holds also in the present case provided we change the following items: $N$ in the fourth sum is replaced (see \equ{6.N}) by $N_{\r_v}$; the index set $B$ is defined as \beqa{6.B} & B & \=\Big\{\b=(\s,\r):\ \s\in\{0,2\};\ \r\in\{1,2\};\ {\rm s.t.}\nonumber\\ && \qquad \s+\r\in\{2,3\}\ ,\d_v=0\ \implies \ \s=0 \Big\}\ ; \eeqa finally the operator $\L_v$ now depends also on $\a$: $\L_v(T_r,\b)$ in \equ{4.8} is now replaced by \beq{6.L} \L_v(T_r,\a,\b)\= D^{(\r_v)}_{\d_v j_v} \prod_{v'\in \calN_v} \dpr_{j_{v'}}^{(\r_{v'})}\ . \eeq Also \equ{4.11'} is readily adapted replacing $N$ by $N_{\r_v}$ and $\L_v$ with \equ{6.L}. We can proceed to define the families of trees $\cF$ and relative indices $\b'$ which exhibit compensations. Given a resonance $R$ (and a choice of $\a$ and $\b$), we define the index of $R$ and the family $\cF_R''$ and relative indices $\b'$ exactly in the same way we did in \S~\ref{subsec:4.2}. Also the family $\cF_R'$ is defined in the same way but the relative indices $\b'$ are now defined in a slightly different way (due to the different definition of $D^{(\r)}_n$): we let (same notations as in \S~\ref{subsec:4.2}) \beqa{} & \b_{v_p}'\= \b_{v_1}\ , &\nonumber\\ & \b_{v_i}'\=\b_{v_{i+1}}\ , &{\rm for}\ 1\le i\le p-1\nonumber\\ & \b_v'\=\b_v\ , &\forall\ v\notin P(u,v)\ . \eeqa With these definitions it is easy to check that \equ{4.12} holds and hence that Theorem~\ref{thm1} is valid in case P3) too. \giu We close by a remark on the $\m$--radius of convergence of $\sum_{k\ge 1} \m^k Z^k$. It is an easy exercise to adapt the estimates in \cite{CF1} to the present case and to check how the radius of convergence depends on $\e$. In fact, observing that, by \equ{6.aa}, one has \beq{} |\lg n\rg^{-\s}|\ |\big(\lg n\rg^2+A\big)^{1-\r}| \le \max\{\g^2, \frac{b}{|\e|}\}\ \ \max\{|n|^{2\t}\ ,\ 1\}\ , \eeq leading to an estimate on the radius of convergence $\m_0$ of the type \beq{} \m_0\ge {\rm const}\ \min\{\e\ ,\ \g^{-2}\}\ . \eeq Thus $\m=\e^2$ (or $\m=\e^c$ with any $c>1$) is within the domain of analyticity provided $\e$ is small enough. \section{An example with no compensations} \label{sec:par7} \setcounter{equation}{0} % Consider the Hamiltonian \equ{1.12} with \beq{p.1} f(x,q) =\sum_{s\geq 1} f_s e^{i (n^{(s)}\cdot x + m^{(s)}\cdot q)} \eeq where $n^{(s)} \in \integer^N$, $m^{(s)} \in \integer^M$ are given integer vectors (with $|n^{(s)}|+|m^{(s)}|>0$) and the Fourier coefficients $f_s$ decay exponentially fast with $|n^{(s)}|+|m^{(s)}|$. Let $q_0$ be a non degenerate critical point of the $x$--average of $f$ (i.e. of $f_0=\sum_{s\geq 1} f_s e^{i m^{(s)}\cdot q}$); then, as for the previous cases, there exists a (unique) formal power series \beq{p.2} Z \= (Z_1,\dots , Z_d)\ \sim\ \sum_{k\geq 0} Z^k(\th)\e^k\ , \ \th\in\torus^N \eeq with $d=2(N+M)$, such that $t\to Z(\o t)$ is a formal quasi--periodic solution for \equ{1.12} and the set $\{Z^0(\th):\th\in\torus^N\}$ coincide with the torus spanned by $y=\o$, $p=0$, $q=q_0$, $x=x_0+\o t$, where $\o\in\real^N$ satisfies condition \equ{}. \nin Expanding $Z^k$ in Fourier series also in the variable $q$, besides the variable $x$ (see \equ{1.2}), it is still possible to write $Z_n^k$ as in \equ{} provided one makes the following changes. $\cT^k_* = \cT^k$; $B$ is the trivial set $B=\{\b =\s = 2\}$; $\L(T,\a,\b)$ is replaced by \beq{p.3} \L(T,\hat \a,\b) = \sum_{\a':V\to \a_v'\in \integer^M}\ \prod_{v\in V} f_{\hat\a_v} \prod_{vv'\in E} \hat\a_v \cdot \hat\a_{v'} \eeq where $\hat\a_v\= (\a_v,\a_v')\in \integer^{N+M}$; finally $\g_v = \lg \d_v\rg^{-2}\=\bigl(\o\cdot\sum_{v'\leq v} \a_{v'}\bigr)^{-2}$. \nin It is then clear that in order to have compensations it would be sufficient to have resonances in the variable $\hat\a$ whenever there are resonances in the variable $\a$. In other words compensations take place if the Fourier modes in \equ{p.1} are such that \beq{p.4} \sum_{s\in I} n^{(s)} = 0 \quad \implies \sum_{s\in I} m^{(s)} = 0 \eeq $\forall I\subset \natural$; in fact in such a case one could repeat word--by--word the arguments in \cite{CF1}. \nin In general, if \equ{p.4} does not hold, compensations (of the type described in this paper) do not occur as it is shown by the following example. \giu Take $N=2$, $M=1$, fix a scalar integer $n\neq 0$ and let \beq{p.5} f(x_1,x_2,q) = 2\{\cos x_1 + \cos x_2 + \cos (x_1 + x_2 - q) + \cos (n x_1 + x_2 + q)\}\ . \eeq Hence, the range of $\hat\a$ is the set $\{\pm (1,0,0),\ \pm (0,1,0),\ \pm (1,1,-1),\ \pm (n,1,1)\}$; for definiteness we also fix $\o = (\sqrt{2},-1)$. % \begin{figure}[hbt] \begin{center} \begin{picture}(400,100) \thicklines \put(5,60){\circle{8}} \put(5,60){\circle*{3}} %\put(10,50){$u_1$} %\put(50,50){$w_1$} %\put(100,50){$u_2$} %\put(140,50){$w_2$} %\put(190,50){$u_3$} %\put(230,50){$w_3$} %\put(280,50){$u_4$} %\put(320,50){$w_4$} \multiput(65,60)(90,0){4}{\line(1,0){30}} \multiput(65,60)(90,0){4}{\circle*{3}} \multiput(95,60)(90,0){4}{\circle*{3}} \put(35,60){\oval (75,30)} \put(125,60){\oval (75,30)} \put(215,60){\oval (75,30)} \put(305,60){\oval (75,30)} \put(350,65){{\scriptsize ($n$,1,1)}} \put(365,45){$z$} \put(65,35){$R_1$} \put(155,35){$R_2$} \put(245,35){$R_3$} \put(335,35){$R_4$} \parbox{14cm}{\caption{\label{fig:d1} Divergent contribution: the chain $C=( R_1,R_2,R_3,R_4 )$ is made of 4 adjacent resonances with $|R_i|=3$ (in this symbolic picture only two vertex are drawn).}} \end{picture} \end{center} \end{figure} \nin We fix a tree $T\in \widetilde \cT^k$, with $k = 3h+1$, and a function $\hat \a_v:V(T)\to \integer^3$ so that $T$ contains a chain $C=( R_1,...,R_h )$ made of $h$ identical resonances $R_i\= \{v_1,v_2, v_3\}$, with $\hat\a_{v_1}=(-1,-1,1)$, $\hat\a_{v_2}=(0,1,0)$, $\hat\a_{v_3}=(1,0,0)$, and the last vertex $z$, following the chain, with $\hat\a_z = (n,1,1)$ (see Figure~\ref{fig:d1}). \noindent Let $\cF_C$ be the family of all trees $T\in\cT^k$ which contains the chain $C$. A lengthy but straightforward computation shows that the $i^{th}$ component of the vector valued function $\bar \pi_C(x)$ (see \equ{1.11}) for $h = 1$ is: \beqa{p.6} &(\bar\pi_{C}(x))_i \= (\bar \pi_{R_1}(x))_i & \= \prod_{v\in V} f_{\hat\a_v} \sum_{u,w\in R_1} \hat e_i \cdot \hat \a_u \ \Big( \prod_{vv'\in E(R_1)} \hat\a_v \cdot \hat\a_{v'}\Big) \ \hat \a_w \cdot \hat \a_z \ \pi_{R_1}(x)\nonumber \\ &&\ =\ 2\sum_{j=1}^3 (\d_{i3} \d_{j3} + x^2 B_{ij}(x))\hat \a_{zj} \eeqa where $\d_{ij}$ is the Kronecker's symbol, $\hat e_i$ is the vector of $j^{th}$ component $\d_{ij}$ and \beq{p.7} B(x)=\pmatrix{{{-2(6-x^2)}\over {(2-x^2)^2}}& {{8\sqrt{2}+18 x^2 - 9x^4 + x^6}\over {(2-x^2)^2 (1-x^2)^2}}& {{6-x^2}\over {(2-x^2)^2}}\cr &\phantom{a} &\cr {{8\sqrt{2}+18 x^2 - 9x^4 + x^6}\over {(2-x^2)^2 (1-x^2)^2}}& {{-2(3-x^2)}\over {(1-x^2)^2}}& {{3-x^2}\over {(1-x^2)^2}}\cr &\phantom{a} &\cr {{6-x^2}\over {(2-x^2)^2}}& {{3-x^2}\over {(1-x^2)^2}}&0} . \eeq Hence $\bar \pi_{R_1}(0)\neq 0$. For $h>1$, one simply has: \beq{p.8} \bar \pi_{C}(x) = 2^h (A+x^2 B)^h \hat\a_z\quad,\quad A_{ij}=\d_{i3} \d_{j3}\ . \eeq Thus, if $x = \o\cdot \a_z = \sqrt{2}n-1$, taking the third component of \equ{p.8} (the component for which condition \equ{p.4} is violated) and assuming that $n\geq h$, one easily checks that \beq{p.9} \bigl( (A+x^2 B)^h \hat\a_z\bigr)_3 \geq 1 + O({1\over n}) \eeq which implies that $C$ is a non compensable chain. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bibliography: \begin{thebibliography}{99} % {\small \bibitem{A1} Arnold, V.I. (Ed.): {\em Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, Dynamical Systems}, Vol. 3, Springer--Verlag, 1988 \bibitem{A2} Arnold, V.I.: {\em Instability of dynamical systems with several degrees of freedom} Sov. Math. Dokl. {\bf 5} 581--585 (1964) \bibitem{Bo} Bollobas, B.: {\em Graph Theory}, Springer (Graduate text in mathematics: 63), 1979 \bibitem{Br} Brjuno, A. D.: {\em Convergence of transformations of differential equations to normal form}, Dokl. Akad. 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