\section{Introduction} In a recent paper (\cite{cw1}) we discussed the $L^2$ limit of solutions $u^{(NS)}$ of the Navier-Stokes equations in the case of vortex patch initial data. We proved that, if the initial vorticity is a vortex patch with smooth boundary, then the difference $u^{(NS)} - u^{(E)}$ between the the Navier-Stokes and Euler velocities corresponding to this initial datum is in $L^2$ and converges to zero at a rate proportional to $\sqrt{\nu}$. This is a slower rate of convergence than the rate (O$(\nu ))$ of the inviscid limit for smooth solutions (\cite{mcg}, \cite{k}, \cite{bm}, \cite{c1}). The fact that there is a drop in the rate of convergence when one passes from the smooth to the non-smooth regime is not an artifact: there are elementary examples providing lower bounds. In the present work we investigate the $L^p$ inviscid limit for vorticities. We are motivated in our study by the statistical equilibrium theory of vortices (\cite{miller}, \cite{robert}). The initial vorticities are taken in the phase space ${\mbox{\bf Y}}$ of bounded functions that vanish outside a compact set. We are mostly interested in long time, uniform bounds, i.e., bounds that are valid for many turnover times and that have an explicit rate of vanishing. The smoothing effect that is present in the Navier-Stokes equations is absent in the Euler equations. Because of this, internal transition layers prevent {\it uniform } $L^p$ bounds for the difference between vorticities of solutions with the same non-smooth initial data. Therefore, it seems that a pathwise uniform Eulerian inviscid limit in this phase space is not possible. The term pathwise refers here to the comparison of individual solutions, paths that start from the same initial data. We find that in order to obtain uniform bounds we need to consider non-pathwise bounds: the most convenient close companion to a solution of the Navier-Stokes equation might be a mollified Euler solution. To be more precise, if $S^{NS}(t)b$ represents the solution (vorticity) of the Navier-Stokes equation with initial vorticity $b\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}$, if $S^E(t)b$ represents the solution of the Euler equation and if we denote by $f_\delta = f*\phi_{\delta}$ the convolution with a mollifier $\phi_{\delta}$, then a pathwise estimate concerns the difference $S^{NS}(t)b - S^E(t)b$ and non pathwise estimates concern differences $S^{NS}(t)b - S^E(t)b_{\delta}$ and $S^{NS}(t)b -\left ( S^E(t)b\right )_{\delta}$. We find that the latter is better suited for long time estimates. While $S^E(t)b_{\delta}$ solves the Euler equations, $\left ( S^E(t)b\right )_{\delta}$ solves suitably modified Euler equations. We prove uniform $L^p$ bounds that vanish as $\nu^{\frac{s}{2p}}$ for the difference between Navier-Stokes and modified Euler solutions corresponding to initial data in Besov spaces $b\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}\cap B^{s,\infty}_2(R^2)$. We find that the optimal mollification is over a distance of order $\delta\sim\sqrt{\nu}$, a fact that is consistent with the estimate for the smallest length scales in two dimensional turbulence. In order to obtain a short time result it is enough to mollify the initial datum for the Euler evolution. However, in order to obtain a long time result we have to mollify the solution. Thus, the long time approximation follows slightly modified Eulerian dynamics. The assumptions we require for the long time results are satisfied by vortex patches with smooth boundaries. The main difficulty is due to the fact that one needs to estimate gradients of the Eulerian vorticity. We use the method of (\cite{cw1}) to show that velocity differences are small and we obtain estimates for the gradients of the Eulerian vorticity; the smallness of velocity differences counterbalances the large vorticity gradients. The {\it non pathwise uniform} results can be used to obtain {\it non-uniform pathwise} results (that is, pathwise results without rates of convergence). In particular we prove the strong pathwise convergence in $L^p$, $10$ in the case of the Navier-Stokes equations, $\nu = 0$ in that of the Euler equation. The corresponding vorticity $$ \omega = \nabla^{\perp}\cdot u $$ satisfies $$ \frac{\partial \omega}{\partial t} +u\cdot\nabla \omega= \nu \Delta\omega $$ and $u$ can be recovered from $\omega $ via $$ u= \frac{1}{2\pi}\left (\nabla^{\perp}\log (|\cdot |)\right )* \omega . $$ The notation $\nabla^{\perp}$ refers to the gradient rotated by 90 degrees. We consider the evolution in the vorticity space ${\mbox{\bf Y}}$ $$ {\mbox{\bf Y}} = L^1(R^2)\cap L^{\infty}_{c}(R^2) $$ of bounded functions with compact support; the norm is the sum of the $L^1$ and $L^{\infty}$ norms. The solutions $$ S^{NS}(t)a_0 = \omega^{NS}(x,t) $$ and $$ S^{E}(t)a_0 = \omega^{E}(x,t) $$ of the Navier-Stokes and, respectively Euler equation, corresponding to initial datum $\omega (x,0) =a_0\in {\mbox{\bf Y}}$, exist for all $t\ge 0$, ($t\in R$) and are unique. A much studied class of examples of $a\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}$ is that of vortex patches: the initial vorticity $a_0(x)$ is a simple function $$ a_0 = \sum_{j=1}^{N}\omega_0^{(j)}\chi_{D_j} $$ where $\omega_0^{(j)}$ are real constants and $\chi_{D_j}$ are characteristic functions of bounded, simply connected domains in $ R^2$. We associate to any $a \in {\mbox{\bf Y}}$ certain basic objects: two functions and four numbers. The functions are a stream function $\psi_a$ and a velocity field $u_a$: $$ \psi_a (x) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int \log(|x-y|)a(y)dy, $$ and $$ u_a = \nabla^{\perp}\psi_a. $$ The numbers are a length scale $L_a$, a time scale $T_a$, a velocity scale $U_a$, and a kinetic energy $E_a$: $$ L_a =\sqrt{ \frac{\|a\|_{L^1(R^2)}}{\|a\|_{L^{\infty}(R^2)}}}, $$ $$ T_a = \frac{1}{\|a\|_{L^{\infty }(R^2)}}, $$ $$ U_a = \sqrt{\|a\|_{L^1(R^2)}\|a\|_{L^{\infty}(R^2)}}, $$ and $$ E_a = -\frac{1}{2}\int \psi_a(y) a(y)dy. $$ We also associate to $a\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}$ a distribution $\pi_a(dy)$ defined by $$ \int f(y)\pi_a(dy) = \int_{spt \, a}f(a(x))dx. $$ If the initial vorticity is in ${\mbox{\bf Y}}$ then the fundamental existence result, due to Yudovich (\cite{yu}) is \begin{thm} For every $a\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}$ there exists a unique weak solution $$ \omega^E(x,t) = S^E(t)a $$ of the Euler equations that satisfies $\omega^E(x,0) = a(x)$. \end{thm} The quantities $L_a$, $T_a$, $U_a$, $E_a$ and the distribution $\pi_a$ are conserved by the Eulerian flow, i.e. $$ C_{S^E(t)a} = C_a $$ if $C_a$ stands for any of these quantities. The velocity $$ u^E(x,t) = u_{S^E(t)a} $$ satisfies $$ \|u^E(\cdot ,t)\|_{L^{\infty}} \le U_a $$ for all $t\in R$. We denote by $S$ the strain matrix -- the symmetric part of the gradient of velocity: $$ S(x,t) = \frac{1}{2} \left((\nabla u)+ (\nabla u)^*\right ). $$ If the initial vorticity is smooth then the solution is a classical solution. The following precise estimates will be used in the sequel: \begin{thm} Let $a\in Y\cap W^{1,\infty}$ be a smooth initial vorticity. Then the strain matrix $$ S(x,t) = \frac{1}{2} \left((\nabla u^E)+ (\nabla u^E)^*\right ) $$ satisfies $$ \|S(\cdot ,t)\|_{L^{\infty}} \le \|a\|_{L^{\infty}}\left [\left (2+\frac{1}{\pi}\right ) + 2\log_+{\left(L_a\frac{\|\nabla a\|_{L^{\infty }}}{\|a\|_{L^{\infty}}}\right )}\right ]\exp{\left (2\|a\|_{L^{\infty }}t\right )}. $$ The gradient of the vorticity $\omega^E = S^E(t)a$ satisfies $$ \|\nabla \omega^E(\cdot ,t)\|_{L^p} \le \|\nabla a\|_{L^p}\exp{(\int_0^t\|S(\cdot ,s)\|_{L^{\infty}}ds)}. $$ for all time $t\in R$ and all $p$ including infinity: $1\le p\le \infty $. The Lagrangian trajectory map $X(x,t)$ defined by $$ \frac{d}{dt}(X(x,t)) = u^E(X(x,t),t), \quad X(x,0) = x $$ satisfies $$ \|\nabla X(\cdot ,t)\|_{L^{\infty }} \le \exp{(\int_0^t\|S(\cdot ,s)\|_{L^{\infty}}ds)}. $$ \end{thm} \vspace{1cm} The quantity $$ {\cal A}(t) = \int_0^t\|S(\cdot ,s)\|_{L^{\infty}}ds $$ plays an important role. It controls not only the growth of the Lipschitz norm of particle trajectories and of the $L^p$ norms of gradients of vorticity but also the $L^2$ operator norm of the Gateaux derivative of the velocity solution map. The class of initial vorticities for which the quantity ${\cal A}(t)$ is finite for all time is therefore included in the class of initial vorticities for which the velocity map $u_a \mapsto u^E (\cdot ,t)$ is continuous in $L^2$. The only class of non-smooth functions $a\in {\mbox{\bf Y}}$ that are known to have ${\cal A}(t)$ finite for all time are vortex patches with {\it smooth} boundaries (\cite{bc}) or minor variations thereof. We start by estimating the difference between velocities of solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations and Euler equations. Assume that $a\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}$ and $b\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}$ are initial vorticities for the Euler and respectively Navier-Stokes equation. The difference $$ u(x,t) = u_{S^{NS}(t)b} - u_{S^E(t)a} $$ satisfies $$ \left (\partial_t + u^{NS}\cdot\nabla - \nu\Delta \right )u + \nabla q = \nu\Delta u^E - u\cdot\nabla u^E. $$ Using the method of \cite{cw1} one obtains \begin{thm} Let $a\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}$ be the initial vorticity for a solution of the Euler equations and $b\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}$ the initial vorticity for a solution of the Navier-Stokes equations with kinematic viscosity $\nu$. If the corresponding velocities, $u_a$ and $u_b$ are such that $u_b- u_a$ is square integrable then $$ \|u^{NS}(\cdot ,t) - u^{E}(\cdot ,t)\|_{L^2(R^2)} \le \left ( \|u_b - u_a\|_{L^2(R^2)} + \|a\|_{L^2(R^2)}\sqrt{\nu t}\right ) \exp{\left ({\cal A}(t)\right )} $$ holds for all $t\ge 0$ with $$ {\cal A}(t) = \int_0^t\|\frac{1}{2}\left (\left(\nabla u^E\right ) + \left (\nabla u^E\right )^*\right )\|_{L^{\infty}}ds. $$ \end{thm} For general $a,\, b\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}$, $u_a-u_b$ is not square integrable. We have, however, quite obviously \begin{prop} Assume that $b\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}$ and that $a = b_{\delta}$ where $$ b_{\delta } = b*\phi_{\delta} $$ with $\phi_{\delta}(x) = \delta^{-2}\phi (\frac{x}{\delta})$ a standard mollifier. Then $$ \|u_a-u_b\|_{L^2(R^2)} \le C \delta\|b\|_{L^2(R^2)}. $$ \end{prop} \vspace{1cm} \section{Further Results} If $a = b_{\delta}$ and $b\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}$ we have so far a $L^2$ bound $$ \|u^{NS}(\cdot ,t) - u^E(\cdot ,t)\|_{L^2(R^2)}\le C\|b\|_{L^2(R^2)} \left [\delta + \sqrt{\nu t}\right ]\exp{\left ({\cal A}_{\delta}(t)\right )}. $$ where ${\cal A}_{\delta}$ is computed on the Euler solution $S^E(t)b_{\delta}$. We will keep the notation $b$ for the initial vorticity for the Navier-Stokes evolution and $a$ for that of the Euler evolution. A direct consequence of Theorem 2 is: \begin{lemma} Let $b\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}$ and let $a = b_{\delta}$. Then there exists a nondimensional constant $C$ depending only on the mollifier $\phi$ such that $$ {\cal A}_{\delta}(t) \le \left [C + \log_+{\left (\frac{L_b}{\delta}\right )}\right ]\left [\exp{\left (2\|b\|_{L^{\infty}(R^2)}t\right )} - 1\right ] $$ \end{lemma} As a consequence of this inequality it follows that the exponential $\exp{\left ({\cal A}_{\delta }(t)\right )}$ is bounded by a small power of $\delta^{-1}$ for times that are short compared to $T_b$. In order to continue the estimates we will make an additional assumption regarding $b$: we will assume a certain degree of regularity: $$ b\in {\mbox{\bf Y}}\cap \left (\cup_{0 0$, there exists an absolute constant $\gamma $ depending only on $s, \epsilon$ such that, if $$ 0 \le \frac{t}{T_b}\le \gamma $$ then, for every $p\ge 2$ there exists a constant $K_b$ depending on $p$ and $b$ alone, such that $$ \|\omega^{NS}(\cdot ,t) - \omega^E(\cdot ,t)\|_{L^p(R^2)} \le K_b\nu ^{\frac{s-\epsilon}{2p}} $$ holds for all $\nu$ small enough. \end{thm} In order to obtain a long time result we need to know that $$ \lim\sup_{\delta\to 0}{\cal A}_{\delta}(t) < \infty . $$ Recall that this quantity is computed by solving a family of Euler equations. The map $\delta\mapsto {\cal A}_{\delta}(t)$ is not known to be upper semicontinuous. In other words, even in the class of vortex patches with smooth boundaries, we can not rule out the possibility that there exists $b$, a time $t$ and a sequence $\delta\to 0$ such that ${\cal A}(t)<\infty$ for the solution starting from $b$ but $\lim_{\delta\to 0}{\cal A}_{\delta}(t) = \infty$. If this does not happen then the result above holds without loss of $\epsilon$ and without restriction on time. Remarkably though, the global estimates can be obtained if one reverses the order of operations and, instead of mollifying the initial datum and then solving the Euler equations, one rather solves first the Euler equations and then mollifies. Let us consider thus $b\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}\cap B^{s, \infty}_2$ and assume that $$ {\cal A}(t) < \infty $$ for $0\le t\le T$. In view of the results of \cite{bc} this is the case if $b$ represents a vortex patch with smooth boundaries. Now we consider $$ \omega^E(x,t) = S^E(t)b $$ and mollify it, i.e. we consider the function $$ \omega _{\delta}(x,t) = \left (S^E(t)b\right )*\phi_{\delta}. $$ The equation obeyed by the mollified vorticity $\omega_{\delta }= \left (S^E(t)b\right )_{\delta}$ is $$ \left (\partial_t + u_{\delta }\cdot\nabla \right )\omega_{\delta } = \nabla\cdot\tau_{\delta }(u^E, \omega^E). $$ where $$ \tau_{\delta}(v,w) = \left (v-v_{\delta}\right )\left (w-w_{\delta} \right ) - r_{\delta }(v,w) $$ with $$ r_{\delta}(v,w)(x) = \int\phi (y)\left (v(x-\delta y)-v(x)\right) \left (w(x-\delta y)-w(x)\right )dy. $$ The three dimensional analogues of these formulae were first used in a proof of the Onsager conjecture (\cite{cet}). We will choose $\delta = \sqrt{\nu T_b}$ and compare $\omega_{\delta}$ to $\omega^{NS}(x,t) = S^{NS}(t)b$. \begin{thm} Let $b\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}\cap B^{s, \infty}_2\cap B^{\frac{s}{2}, \infty}_4$ with $0 0$ $$ \|\omega ^{NS}(\cdot , t) e^{[[\frac{\cdot }{\delta }]]}\|_{L^p} \le \|b(\cdot )e^{[[\frac{\cdot }{\delta }]]}\|_{L^p}e^{\left (\frac{U_bt}{\delta} + \frac{ 7\nu t}{\delta ^2}\right )} $$ holds for any $p$, $1\le p\le\infty $. \end{thm} We will now state the pathwise results: \begin{thm} Let $b\in{\mbox{\bf Y}}\cap B^{s, \infty}_2$, $0