%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CIT_THESIS.STY Primary style for Caltech Ph.D. Thesis % % USAGE: (LaTeX 2.09) \documentstyle[draftfoot,preprint]{cit_thesis} % (LaTeX2e) \documentclass[draftfoot,preprint]{cit_thesis} % % Modifies the {report} style, so that the title page and chapters % are handled according to the Caltech Regulations for Format and % Presentation of Theses (Office of Graduate Studies), and K. Turabian, % _A Manual for Writers_ (U. Chicago Press, Chicago, 1987). %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The secondary style of [preprint] sets the conditional ``\ifpreprintsty'' % TRUE. The command ``\preprint'', at the beginning of the document, has % the same effect. This causes a local publication number (see ``\pubnum'' % below) to be typeset in the upper right corner of the title page. The author % may also write conditional macros using the ``\ifpreprintsty'' % construction. % % For preliminary or working copies of the thesis, the secondary style of % [draftfoot] may be used, or the command ``\draftfoot'' may be specified at % the beginning of the document. This produces a line at the bottom of every % page, with ``DRAFT'' in the lower left corner, and the date and time when % LaTeX was executed in the lower right. % % A number of useful macros are defined for use in this style. The % title page of a thesis contains several standard phrases with possibly % ``variable'' information, such as the degree to be awarded, the name % and address of the institution, and copyright information. The macros % below are used to specify these data; the macro arguments indicate % the default values as defined in this style file. % % \degreeaward{Doctor of Philosophy} Degree to be awarded % \university{California Institute of Technology} Institution name % \address{Pasadena, California} Institution address % \copyyear{\the\year} Year of diploma award % % \pubnum{} Publication/preprint number % % The usual LaTeX macros ``\author,'' ``\title,'' and ``\date'' work as % defined in the LaTeX manual. The argument to \date should be the date % on which the candidate's final examination (defense) is scheduled. % % The publication/preprint number will be typeset in the upper right corner % of the title page if and only if the [preprint] style is selected, or if % the ``\preprint'' command was executed before \maketitle. % % The command ``\maketitle'' will generate a title page formatted according % to the Caltech instructions, and including all of the information defined % by the macros above. Unlike the standard version, ``\maketitle'' may be % repeated several times in a document: the terms defined for it are _not_ % reset after the page is formatted. % % The command ``\extrachapter'' will generate an unnumbered chapter heading, % similar to the LaTeX ``\chapter*'' command. In addition, ``\extrachapter'' % will produce an entry in the Table of Contents. This command is used in % the {abstract} and {acknowledgements} environments, listed below. % % The initial portion of the thesis document, typically the copyright page, % abstract, and tables of contents, figures, and tables, are numbered in % roman numerals, while the body of the thesis is numbered in arabic. The % {frontmatter} environment handles these page numbering conventions. The % author should place % % \begin{frontmatter} % ...(abstract, contents, etc.) % \end{frontmatter} % % immediately following the \maketitle command. The first entry in the % {frontmatter} environment should generally be ``\makecopyright.'' This % command generates a spearate copyright page, with the text % % (C) \copyyear % \author % All Rights Reserved % % centered at the bottom of the page. Obviously, the items indicated with % macro commands above are filled in with the actual arguments to those % commands. % % The abstract is produced with the {abstract} environment, which generates % an unnumbered chapter with an entry in the table of contents. The author % should use % % \begin{abstract} % ...(body of abstract goes here) % \end{abstract} % % within the {frontmatter} environment. % % An acknowledgements page is produced in the same way as the abstract, with % the {acknowledgements} environment. % % % 950201 Michael H. Kelsey Adapted from original of unknown source. % 950208 -- Merged with "citthesis.cls" from Blair Zajac. % Change [draft] and \draft to ``draftfoot''. % 950525 -- Per request from B. McKenney, chapter headings are done in % \LARGE font, not \Large. % 960319 -- Force [letterpaper] option to {report} class % 960517 -- Allow double-sided generation (remove \@twosidedfalse) % -- Change \ifpreprintstyle to \ifpreprintsty for REVTeX % compatibility % 960521 -- Fix \evensidemargin setting for double-ssided support %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% %%% Pre-define commands required for option-processing %%% % % \draftfoot will put "DRAFT" and the current date and time in the footer % \newif\ifthesisdraft \def\draftfoot{\thesisdrafttrue\thesisfooter{Draft Copy\hss\thesistime}} % % \preprint will set the conditional \ifpreprintstyle to be TRUE % \newif\ifpreprintsty \def\preprint{\preprintstytrue} %%% %%% Select between LaTeX 2.09 and LaTeX2e, based on \documentclass command %%% % \ifx\undefined\documentclass %%% LaTeX 2.09 configuration %%% % \typeout{Document style `cit_thesis'. 8 February 1995, M. Kelsey} % % Define actions for style options % \@namedef{ds@draftfoot}{\thesisdrafttrue} \@namedef{ds@preprint}{\preprintstytrue} % \input report.sty\relax %% Standard REPORT format \input setspace.sty\relax %% Load package for double-spacing % \else %%% LaTeX2e configuration %%% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01] \ProvidesClass{cit_thesis}[1995/02/08 Caltech Thesis class] % % Define actions for style options % \DeclareOption{draftfoot}{\thesisdrafttrue} \DeclareOption{preprint}{\preprintstytrue} % \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}} \ProcessOptions* %% Process remaining options locally \LoadClass[letterpaper]{report} %% Standard REPORT format \RequirePackage{setspace} %% Load package for double-spacing \fi % %%% %%% Override standard REPORT format for thesis layout requirements %%% % % Define \thispagestyle to null so that \chapter doesn't change page style. % \let\thesis@document\document \def\document{\thesis@document\thispagestyle{empty}\def\thispagestyle##1{}} % % Define commands to generate draft-mode footers % \def\thesisfooter#1{\def\@oddfoot{#1} \def\@evenfoot{#1}} % % Construct timestamp information for draft-mode footer % \newcount\timehh\newcount\timemm \def\thesistime{% \timehh=\time\divide\timehh by 60% \timemm=\timehh\multiply\timemm by -60% \advance\timemm by \time% \ifnum\timehh<10 0\fi\number\timehh\,:\,% \ifnum\timemm<10 0\fi\number\timemm% \ \ \today% } %% End of \thesistime % % Set the headers and footers. Centered page number at top, empty footer. % Top, bottom and right margins 1 inch, Left marging 1-1/2 inches. % \def\@oddhead{\hss\thepage\hss} \def\@evenhead{\hss\thepage\hss} \let\@oddfoot\@empty \let\@evenfoot\@empty \ifthesisdraft\draftfoot\fi %% Redefine footers for draft thesis % \setstretch{1.5} %% ``Double-spaced'' text % \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{.5in} %% Left margin = 1-1/2 inches \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0pt} %% Left margin = 1 inch (default) \setlength{\textwidth}{6in} %% Makes right margin = 1 inch \setlength{\topmargin}{-.3in} %% Top margin = 3/4'' inch (incl pg#) \setlength{\headsep}{.15in} %% Space between page # and text \setlength{\textheight}{8.95in} %% Makes bottom margin = 1 inch \setlength{\footskip}{.4in} %% Space from bottom of text to foot % % Define spacing for use on titlepage % \def\titleskip{\vskip 4\bigskipamount} %% Whitespace after title \def\authorskip{\vskip 2\bigskipamount} %% Whitespace after author % % Create a command for unnumbered chapters, with a Table of Contents % entry. % \def\extrachapter{\@ifnextchar[{\@lextrachapter}{\@extrachapter}} \def\@lextrachapter[#1]#2{% User specified optional contents entry \chapter*{#2}\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}% } \def\@extrachapter#1{% Chapter heading used as contents entry \chapter*{#1}\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}% } % % Chapter headings should be at top of page, single line format % with single font size of \Large. % \def\@makechapterhead#1{\vspace*{10pt} {\parindent 0pt \raggedright \LARGE\bf% \ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\m@ne% \@chapapp{} \thechapter \hskip 2.3ex plus .2ex \fi #1\par \nobreak \vskip 20pt} } %% End of \@makechapterhead \def\@makeschapterhead#1{\vspace*{10pt} {\parindent 0pt \raggedright \LARGE\bf% #1\par \nobreak \vskip 20pt} } %% End of \@makeschapterhead % % We want roman page numbers in the frontmatter, and arabic afterward. % use \begin{frontmatter} ... \end{frontmatter} to do this. % \newenvironment{frontmatter}% {\pagenumbering{roman}}{\clearpage\pagenumbering{arabic}} % % Additional titlepage definitions % \def\degreeaward{\gdef\@degreeaward} \degreeaward{Doctor of Philosophy} % Default is Ph.D. \def\university{\gdef\@university} \university{California Institute of Technology} % Default is Caltech \def\address{\gdef\@address} \address{Pasadena, California} % Default is Caltech \def\copyyear{\gdef\@copyyear} \copyyear{\the\year} % Default is today \def\pubnum{\gdef\@pubnum} \pubnum{} % No publication number % % The titlepage must conform to CIT requirements % \def\maketitle{% {\parindent=0pt \begin{titlepage} \let\footnotesize\small \let\footnoterule\relax \setcounter{page}{1} \vskip-\headsep \ifpreprintsty\ifx\empty\@pubnum\else {\singlespace\hfill\hbox{\begin{tabular}{l}\@pubnum\end{tabular}}} \titleskip \fi\fi \begin{center} {\Large\bf \@title\par} \titleskip Thesis by\\ {\large \@author\par} \authorskip In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements\\ for the Degree of\\ \@degreeaward\par \vfill \@university\\ \@address\par \authorskip \@copyyear\par {\normalsize (Submitted \@date)\par} \end{center} \vspace*{.5in} \end{titlepage}} } %% End of \maketitle % % The copyright page is new, must conform to CIT requirements % \def\makecopyright{% \setcounter{page}{2} {\parindent=0pt \null % Forces rest to bottom of page \vfill \begin{center} \copyright\quad \@copyyear\\ \@author\\ All Rights Reserved \end{center}} \newpage } %% End of \makecopyright % % The abstract and acknowledgements are treated as unnumbered chapters % with Table of Contents entries. % \def\abstract{\extrachapter{Abstract}} % \begin{abstract} \def\endabstract{\clearpage} % \end{abstract} \def\acknowledgements{\extrachapter{Acknowledgements}} \def\endacknowledgements{\clearpage} % % The {thebibliography} environment should put an entry into the Table % of Contents, just as the {abstract} and {acknowledgements} environments % do. % \let\thesis@thebibliography=\thebibliography \def\thebibliography#1{\thesis@thebibliography{#1}% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography}} % \endinput