The body of this paper (3375 lines of Postscript), from the line following "BODY" to the line preceding "ENDBODY", contains a total of 230320 characters. In the table below, this count is broken down by ASCII code; following one white space after the code is the corresponding character (intended for trouble shooting, in case things got garbled). 32071 lowercase letters 32591 uppercase letters 122667 digits 2 ASCII characters 9 3375 ASCII characters 10 13768 ASCII characters 32 40 ASCII characters 33 ! 39 ASCII characters 34 " 3 ASCII characters 35 # 89 ASCII characters 37 % 4 ASCII characters 39 ' 10274 ASCII characters 40 ( 10279 ASCII characters 41 ) 1 ASCII characters 42 * 61 ASCII characters 43 + 293 ASCII characters 44 , 137 ASCII characters 45 - 339 ASCII characters 46 . 134 ASCII characters 47 / 150 ASCII characters 58 : 274 ASCII characters 59 ; 481 ASCII characters 60 < 158 ASCII characters 61 = 502 ASCII characters 62 > 39 ASCII characters 64 @ 47 ASCII characters 91 [ 2247 ASCII characters 92 \ 46 ASCII characters 93 ] 4 ASCII characters 95 _ 51 ASCII characters 96 ` 87 ASCII characters 123 { 67 ASCII characters 125 } For further information, please contact the author: BODY