Eliza O'Reilly

Email: eoreilly at math dot utexas dot edu
Office: RLM 13.150

I'm a graduate student in mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin. My advisor is François Baccelli. My research interests include high dimensional stochastic geometry and determinantal point processes. I am a member of the Simons Center at UT Austin.


Thin-shell concentration for zero cells of stationary Poisson mosaics.

Couplings for determinantal point processes and their reduced Palm distributions with a view to quantifying repulsiveness, joint with Jesper Møller.

Reach of Repulsion of Determinantal Point Processes in High Dimensions, joint with Francois Baccelli. To appear in the Journal of Applied Probability.

End-to-End Optimization of High Throughput DNA Sequencing, joint with F. Baccelli, G. de Veciana, and H. Vikalo. Journal of Computational Biology.
(arXiv )