M 362K, Spring 03, Smith

Assignment for Monday, December 1

I. Read Section 7.3 through the top of p. 332.

II. Practice problems:

    1. p. 383 #31
    2. p. 383 #37

    3. Situations such as the following often arise in statistics: X1, X2, ... , Xn are independent, identically distributed random variables with mean µ1 and standard deviation sigma1. Also, Y1, Y2, ... , Ym are independent, identically distributed random variables with mean µ2 and standard deviation sigma2. The Y's are also independent of the X's. We need to study the new random variables

    X-bar = (1/n)(X1+ X2+ ... ,+Xn)        and     Y-bar = (1/m)(Y1+ Y2+ ... ,+Ym)

(They are the respective averages of the X's and the Y's.)


    a. The mean and standard deviation of X-bar

    b. The mean and standard deviation of Y-bar

    c. The mean and standard deviation of (X-bar) - (Y-bar). [Useful fact: Since the X's and Y's are all independent, it follows that X-bar and Y-bar are independent.)