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HDF 322: Personal and Family Finance

Yes I would suggest others taking HDF 322. I think that it was a good course for me to take for two main reasons:

1. It was a really good course for me as a prospective teacher to take because it is a really good overview of different parts of finance. (taxes, cash management, laws in texas that affect financial aspects, loans of all types - housing, car, ..., and also different types of insurance.) If you are going to be teaching any type of finance course or a course that involves these things (like math models) it is a good chance to get a good look at the different things you might want to include or leave out of your classes.

2. It is a good course for anyone to take because it tells you a lot about how to handle your finances from every angle - and being a future teacher looking at making very little money I appreciate that a lot!

I don't think that it is a really involved math based course like maybe a physics course would be, but it does involve a lot of math - mostly those dreaded "word problems" that everyone hates. It was really interesting to me when I first got into the class because the prof is NOT a math person, and the way she teaches it is NOT in a math based format. I think that it would be a lot easier for most people to understand if she would. I think that is probably the best thing I got out of that class - thinking about how I would teach it so that the class would understand better. …

[M]ost of the sections of this class require a lot of group work outside of class, so it probably wouldn't be a good class during a really busy semester. My section was a trial run without the group projects, but I don't know if they will continue with it.

(Comments by Katey Arrington, April 2001)