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Installing Taylor

Taylor runs only on a Unix system. It has been tested under Linux, SunOS and Solaris. It should compile and run on other variant of unices.

After downloading the distribution taylor-x.y.z.tgz, where x.y.z is the version number, unpack the archive using the command

tar xvzf taylor-x.y.z.tgz

or, if your version of tar does not handle compressed files, you can also use

gzip -dc taylor-x.y.z.tgz | tar xvf -

This will create a directory Taylor-x.y. Change to this directory.

Now, to compile taylor, run make. It will produce the executable taylor in the current directory. You need an ANSI C compiler and lex/yacc parser generator to compile taylor. Using gcc and flex/bison is highly recommended.

To install taylor, simply copy the executable taylor and the manual page src/taylor.1 to their destination directories. You can put the binary in one of your directories or, if you have the right permissions, in a system directory,

cp taylor /usr/local/bin/taylor

In this case, you may also want to install the man page,

cp src/taylor.1 /usr/local/man/man1/taylor.1

Maorong Zou
Tue Nov 13 09:42:48 CST 2001