CS395T, EE381V, M390C, Coding Theory Fall 14

DESCRIPTION: Error-correcting codes provide a way to efficiently add redundancy to data, so that the original data can be recovered even in the presence of noise. Such codes are essential in modern communication and storage of data, where high reliability is required. From its engineering roots, coding theory has evolved to use sophisticated mathematical techniques, centering around algebra but also involving probability and combinatorics. Moreover, coding theory has recently found unexpected uses in computer science.

In this interdisciplinary course, we study coding theory from the different perspectives of professors in math, computer science, and electrical engineering. We develop the mathematical tools, construct important codes and associated algorithms, and discuss applications in computer science and communication.

Class Outline

  1. Algebraic coding: including linear codes, finite fields, Hamming, Reed-Solomon, BCH and Golay codes.

  2. Algorithmic coding: including decoding algorithms, concatenated codes, list decoding concepts, and applications to computational complexity.

  3. Random Coding and Communications: Shannon's coding theorem, LDPC and rateless coding, network coding and related topics.

INSTRUCTORS: Alex Dimakis (UTA 7.210, ph. 512-471-3068 dimakis@austin.utexas.edu), Felipe Voloch (RLM 9.122, ph. 512-471-2674, ) and David Zuckerman (GDC 4.508, ph. 512-471-9729, diz@cs.utexas.edu).

CLASS HOURS: TTH 12:30-2:00


UNIQUE NUMBER: (17346 for EE381V) (53270 for CS395T) (56055 for M390C)

OFFICE HOURS:Dimakis, Tue 5:00-7:00pm, Voloch, Mon 9:30 -- 11:00am or by appointment, Zuckerman Mon,Thu 3:30-4:30pm

TEXTBOOK: Book draft by V. Guruswami, A. Rudra, and M. Sudan, available here.

PREREQUISITES: Basic Undergraduate Algebra and Probability background

GRADING POLICY: Final Exam: 50% (Tuesday, December 16, 9:00-12:00 noon, RLM 11.176, cheat sheet allowed for the final, one sheet, handwritten, front and back), Homework, (six assignments): 40%, Participation: 10%


  1. Chapter 1, exercises 1.6 and 1.13. Chapter 2, exercises 2.4 and 2.16 (parts 2 and 3 only). Due 9/16. Solutions courtesy of Ethan Leeman.
  2. This list. Due 9/25.


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