« Create a Calendar »

The first time you access the webCalendar link, you're presented with the initial greeting screen.

Click on the Sign Up link. It will then bring you to the sign up screen.

  • Enter the desired calendar name. Calendar name is the userid used to access your calendar, it should be alpha numeric without white spaces or quotes. A good choice is your firstname.lastname (e.g. John.Smith). Please note that calendar name is case sensitive.

  • Enter a short descriptive name for your calendar. This name will be used as the title of your calendar. For example: John Doe's Calendar.

  • Enter your real name, or name of the entity that owns the calendar (e.g. John P. Martin).

  • Enter your full email address. The email address is used to deliver email reminders. The setup process will reject your submission if this field is blank or incomplete. If the calendar owner does not have an email address (e.g. a conference room), enter some fake address there (e.g. nobody@nowhere).

  • Enter the full URL to your home page, or a relevent URL that related to the calendar owner. This field is optional.

  • Choose a password and reenter it in the second password entry to confirm.

  • Select a calendar type.
    • Private Calendar: Only the owner, site administrator and its editors can update the the calendar. If your calendar belong to a workgroup, group members can enter events on your calendar also. Group members can also update group events if permission is granted on the relevent events. Others may view certain events depends on the permission set on individual events. Calendar readers can view all entries.
    • Public-open Calendar: Any valid user can enter events to a public calendar. However, a user cannot delete entries entered by other users, with the exception of joint events on which deletion permission is granted. The calendar owner, editor or site administrator can always update a public calendar.
    • Public-moderated Calendar: Same as public-open calendar. The difference is that event entered in a moderated calendar is subject to the approval of its editors. Newly added/modified events will not be show up on the calendar until approved.

  • Select a default privacy level: This option is for private calendars only, it is not used on public calendars. Please note that webCalendar uses event based security. This privacy level is applied to new events as a default. You can grant different privacy level on individual events at anytime using the event editor.

    Privacy types are:
    • Others see Text and Time: others can see everything on events tagged with this privacy type.
    • Others see time only: others can see your free/busy time but cannot see the content of calendar entries tagged with this privacy type.
    • Others see nothing: events tagged with this privacy type is totally hidden from unauthorized users.

  • And finally click on the Submit button. WebCalendar may reject your submission for various reasons, for example, the chosen calendar name has already been taken by someone else. If such situation occurs, correct the problem and re-submit.
If all goes well, you'll be presented with a acknowledge screen

Click on the Calendar Options link, login and finish your calendar setup.

You'll also receive a confirmation message via email.

Last updated: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 17:48:28 CST

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