%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6 pages, LaTeX file, to appear in Proceedings of QMath7, Prague 1997; published in the Birkhauser series "Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. Final version with Thm 2 corrected; replacing mp_arc 98-695. BODY \documentstyle[twoside]{article} %\ignorespaces (10pt, default) \setlength{\textwidth}{125mm} \setlength{\textheight}{185mm} \setlength{\parindent}{8mm} \frenchspacing \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0pt} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0pt} \pagestyle{myheadings} \markboth{BENTOSELA et al.}{ANOMALOUS ELECTRON TRAPPING} %DEFINITION OF THE MACROS USED \newcommand{\ie}{{\em i.e.}} \newcommand{\eg}{{\em e.g.}} \newcommand{\cf}{{\em cf. }} \newcommand{\rhs}{{\em rhs }} \newcommand{\re}{{\rm Re\,}} \newcommand{\R}{I\!\!R} \newcommand{\BB}{{\cal B}} \newcommand{\OO}{{\cal O}} %END OF THE DEFINITION \begin{document} \title{Anomalous electron trapping by magnetic flux tubes and electric current vortices} \author{F. Bentosela,$^{a,b}$ P. Exner,$^{c,d}$ and V.A. Zagrebnov$^{a,b}$} \date{} \maketitle \begin{quote} {\small \em a) Centre de Physique Th\'{e}orique, C.N.R.S., F--13288 Marseille Luminy \\ b) Universit\'{e} de la Mediterran\'{e}e (Aix--Marseille II), F--13288 Luminy \\ c) Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences, CZ--25068 \v Re\v z \\ d) Doppler Institute, Czech Technical Univ., B\v rehov{\'a} 7, CZ-11519 Prague \\ \rm \phantom{e)x}bentosela@cpt.univ-mrs.fr, exner@ujf.cas.cz, zagrebnov@cpt.univ-mrs.fr} \vspace{8mm} \noindent {\small We consider an electron with an anomalous magnetic moment, $\,g>2\,$, confined to a plane and interacting with a nonhomogeneous magnetic field $\,B\,$, and investigate the corresponding Pauli Hamiltonian. We prove a lower bound on the number of bound states for the case when $\,B\,$ is of a compact support and the related flux is $\,N+\epsilon\,,\;\epsilon\in(0,1]\,$. In particular, there are at least $\,N+1\,$ bound states if $\,B\,$ does not change sign. We also consider the situation where the magnetic field is due to a localized rotationally symmetric electric current vortex in the plane. In this case the flux is zero; there is a pair of bound states for a weak coupling, and higher orbital-momentum ``spin-down" states appearing as the current strength increases.} \end{quote} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \vspace{3mm} \noindent Interaction of electrons with a localized magnetic field has been a subject of interest for a long time. It has been observed recently that a magnetic flux tube can bind particles with spin antiparallel to the field provided the latter have an anomalous magnetic moment, $\,g>2\,$. Recall that this is the case for a free electron which has $\,g=2.0023$. The effect was demonstrated first in simple examples \cite{CFC,Mo}, notably those of a circular tube with a homogeneous or a $\,\delta\,$-shell field, and then extended to any rotationally invariant field $\,B(x)\,$ which is of a compact support and does not change sign \cite{CC}. Our first aim here is to show that the last condition can be substantially weakened and the rotational--invariance requirement can be dropped altogether. We consider the standard two--dimensional Pauli electron Hamiltonian \cite{Th}, % \begin{equation} \label{Pauli} H_P^{(\pm)}(A)\,=\,\left( -i\nabla-A(x)\right)^2\,\pm\,{g\over 2} B(x) \,=\, D^*D\,\pm\,{1\over 2}(g\pm 2) B(x)\,, \end{equation} % in natural units, $\,2m= \hbar= c= e= 1\,$; here $\,D:= (p_1\!-A_1)+ i(p_2\!-A_2)\,$ and the two signs correspond to two possible spin orientations. We are free to choose the magnetic flux direction; if it points conventionally up we will be concerned primarily with the operator $\,H_P^{(-)}(A)$ which describes electron with the spin antiparallel to the flux. The magnetic field $\,B= \partial_1A_2\!-\partial_2A_1\,$ is supposed to be integrable and of a compact support $\,\Sigma\,$, with % \begin{equation} \label{flux} F\,:=\, {1\over 2\pi}\, \int_{\Sigma} B(x)\, d^2x \,=\, N+\epsilon\,, \end{equation} % where $\,\epsilon\in(0,1]\,$ and $\,N\,$ is a non--negative integer. The quantity $\,F\,$, positive by assumption, is the total flux measured in the natural units $\,(2\pi)^{-1}$. Recall further that by the theorem of Aharonov and Casher \cite{AC,Th} the operator $\,H_P^{(-)}(A)$ without an anomalous moment, $\,g=2\,$, has in this situation $\,N\,$ zero energy eigenvalues. The corresponding eigenfunctions are given explicitly by % \begin{equation} \label{ef's} \chi_j(x)\,=\, e^{-\phi(x)} (x_1\!+\!ix_2)^j, \quad j=0,1,\dots, N\!-\!1\,, \end{equation} % where % \begin{equation} \label{phi} \phi(x)\,:=\, {1\over 2\pi}\, \int_{\Sigma} B(y)\,\ln|x\!-\!y|\, d^2y \,. \end{equation} % Moreover, $\,\chi_N\,$ also solves the equation $\,H_P^{(-)}(A)\chi=0\,$ representing a zero--energy resonance; this follows from the fact that $\,\chi_j(x)= o(|x|^{-F+j})\,$ as $\,|x|\to\infty\,$ --- \cf \cite[Sec.7.2]{Th}. \vspace{3mm} \noindent {\bf Theorem 1.} Under the stated assumptions, the operator $\,H_P^{(-)}(A)\,$ has for $\,g>2\,$ at least $\,n_B\,$ negative eigenvalues, where $\,n_B\,$ is the number of $\,j=0,1,\dots,N\,$ such that % \begin{equation} \label{condition} \int_{\Sigma}B(x)\, e^{-2\phi(x)}\, r^{2j}\, d^2x\,\ge 0\,, \end{equation} % where $\,r:=(x_1^2\!+\!x_2^2)^{1/2}$. In particular, there are at least $\,n_B=N\!+\!1\,$ bound states if $\,B(x)\ge 0\,$. \vspace{2mm} \noindent {\em Sketch of the proof:} It is based on a variational argument. We employ the above mentioned zero--energy solutions to construct a family of trial functions $\,\psi\,$ which make the quadratic form % $$ (\psi,H_P^{(-)}(A)\psi)\,=\, \int_{\R^2} |D\psi|^2 d^2x \,-\,{1\over 2}(g\!-\!2) \int_{\R^2} B |\psi|^2 d^2x $$ % negative. Specifically, we choose % \begin{equation} \label{psi} \psi_j(x)\,:=\, f_R(x)\chi_j(x) +\varepsilon h(x)\,, \end{equation} % where $\,h\in C_0^{\infty}(\Sigma)\,$ and $\,f_R(x)= f\left(r\over R \right)\,$ for a suitable function $\,f: \R_+\to \R\,$ such that $\,f(u)=1\,$ for $\,u\le 1\,$. It is then straightforward to compute the value of the energy form, % \begin{eqnarray*} (\psi_j,H_P^{(-)}(A)\psi_j) &\!=\!& {1\over R^2}\, \int_{\R^2} \left|f'\left(r\over R \right)\chi_j(x)\right|^2 d^2x \,+\, \varepsilon^2\, \int_{\Sigma} |(Dh)(x)|^2 d^2x \\ \\ &\!-\!& {1\over 2}(g\!-\!2) \bigg\lbrace \int_{\Sigma} B(x)|\chi_j(x)|^2 d^2x \\ \\ &\!+\!& 2\varepsilon \re\, \int_{\Sigma} \bar h(x)B(x)\chi_j(x)\, d^2x \,+\, \varepsilon^2 \int_{\Sigma} B(x)|h(x)|^2 d^2x \bigg\rbrace\,, \end{eqnarray*} % where we have employed $\,D\chi_j=0\,$ and the fact that $\,h\,$ and $\,f'\left(\cdot\over R \right)\,$ have disjoint supports. As we have said, $\,\chi_j\in L^2\,$ for $\,j=0,\dots,N\!-\!1\,$. In this case we put $\,f=1\,$ so the first term at the \rhs is absent. If $\, \int_{\Sigma} B|\chi_j|^2 d^2x > 0\,$ we may set also $\,\varepsilon=0\,$ to get a negative value. If $\,B\,$ is non--negative, in particular, we obtain in this way $\,(\psi_j,H_P^{(-)}(A)\psi_j)<0\,$ for $\,j=0,\dots,N\!-\!1\,$. For a sign--changing $\,B\,$ the last integral might not be positive. If it is zero, a bound state still exists: it is always possible to choose $\,h\,$ in such a way that $\,\re\int_{\Sigma} \bar h B\chi_j\, d^2x\ne 0\,$. For small $\,\varepsilon\,$ the linear term prevails over the quadratic ones and the form can be made negative by choosing properly the sign of $\,\varepsilon\,$. Finally, for $\,j=N\,$ the Aharonov--Casher solution has to be modified at large distances to produce a square integrable trial function. We choose, \eg, $\,f\in C_0^{\infty}(\R_+)\,$ such that $\,f(u)=0\,$ for $\,u\ge 2\,$. Using $\,|\chi_N(x)| = o(r^{-\epsilon})\,$ we estimate the first term at the \rhs as % $$ {1\over R^2}\, \int_{\R^2} \left|f'\left(r\over R \right)\chi_j(x)\right|^2 d^2x\,\le\, C\|f'\|^2_{\infty} R^{-2\epsilon} $$ % for a positive $\,C\,$. If (\ref{condition}) is valid, one can achieve in the same way as above that the sum of the other terms is negative; it is then sufficient to set $\,R\,$ large enough to make the whole \rhs negative. We have thus constructed $\,n_B\,$ trial functions with the desired property. They are linearly independent, since the same is true for $\,\chi_j\,$ and the latter coincides with $\,\psi_j\,$ in $\,\BB_R\setminus\Sigma\,$. Consequently, the $\,\psi_j$'s for which the requirement (\ref{condition}) is satisfied span an $\,n_B\,$--dimensional subspace in $\,L^2(\R^2)\,$. \quad $\Box$ \vspace{2mm} While the sufficient condition of Theorem~1 improves earlier results, it is still too restrictive. We postpone discussing how to optimize it to a subsequent paper. \vspace{2mm} The situation becomes more complicated when the total flux is zero. Here we will restrict ourselves to the particular case with a rotational symmetry; then (\ref{Pauli}) can be replaced by a family of partial wave Hamiltonians % \begin{equation} \label{partial wave Hamiltonian} H_{\ell}^{(\pm)}=\,-\,{d^2\over dr^2} \,-\,{1\over r}\, {d\over dr} \,+\, V_{\ell}^{(\pm)}(r)\,, \quad V_{\ell}^{(\pm)}(r):=\, \left( A(r)+\, {\ell\over r} \right)^2 \pm\, {1\over 2}\,g B(r) \end{equation} % on $\,L^2(\R^+,r\,dr)\,$. The angular component $\,A(r)\,$ of the vector potential is now related to the magnetic field by $\,B(r)= A'(r)+ r^{-1}A(r)\,$. A typical situation with a vanishing flux arises when the field is generated by an electric current vortex in the plane. The physical appeal of such a problem stems in part from the fact that local current vortices are common in transport of charged particles \cite{ESF}. In the following we shall discuss this example. We assume that the current is anticlockwise, $\,J(x)= \lambda J(r) e_{\varphi}\,$. Here $\,r,\varphi\,$ are the polar coordinates, the total current is $\,\lambda \int_0^{\infty} J(r)\,dr\,$, and the positive parameter $\,\lambda\,$ is introduced to control the vortex ``strength". It is necessary in this case to relax the compact--support requirement on the magnetic field. We suppose that $\,J\,$ is $\,C^2$ smooth and non--negative, $\,J(r)\ge 0\,$, and has the following asymptotic behaviour, % \begin{equation} \label{asympt} J(r)= ar^2+\OO(r^3)\quad {\rm and} \quad J(r)= \OO(r^{-3-\epsilon}) \end{equation} % for some $\,\epsilon>0\,$ at the origin and at large distances, respectively. The corresponding vector potential is easily evaluated \cite{Ja}, % \begin{equation} \label{A} A(r)\,=\, 4\lambda\, \int_0^{\infty} J(r')\, {r'\over r_<}\: \left\lbrack K\left(r_<^2\over r_>^2 \right) - E\left(r_<^2\over r_>^2\right)\right\rbrack\,dr'\,, \end{equation} % where $\,K,\,E\,$ are the full elliptic integrals of the first and the second kind, respectively, and the usual shorthands, $\,r_<:= \min(r,r')\,$ and $\,r_>:= \max(r,r')\,$ are employed. In view of the regularity of $\,J\,$ the integral is finite for every $\,r\,$, because $\,E(\zeta)\,$ is regular at $\,\zeta=1\,$ and $\,K(\zeta)\,$ has a logarithmic singularity there. Let us label the Pauli Hamiltonian (\ref{Pauli}) with the vector potential (\ref{A}) and its partial--wave components (\ref{partial wave Hamiltonian}) by the current strength $\,\lambda\,$. \vspace{3mm} \noindent {\bf Theorem 2.} Under the stated assumptions, $\,\sigma(H_{\ell}^{(\pm)}(\lambda))= [0,\infty)\,$ for $\,\ell\ne 0\,$, while both $\,H_0^{(\pm)}(\lambda)\,$ exhibit a bound state if $\,\lambda\,$ is small enough. On the other hand, each operator $\,H_{\ell}^{(-)}(\lambda)\,$ has a negative eigenvalue for a sufficiently large $\,\lambda\,$. \vspace{3mm} \noindent {\em Sketch of the proof:} By the regularity of $\,J\,$, the effective potentials (\ref{partial wave Hamiltonian}) are $\,C^1$ smooth and % \begin{equation} \label{decay} V_{\ell}^{(\pm)}(r)\,=\, {\ell^2\over r^2}\,+\, \lambda m\, {2\ell\mp g\over 2r^3}\,+\, \OO(r^{-3-\epsilon})\,, \end{equation} % as $\,r\to\infty\,$, where $\,m:= \pi\, \int_0^{\infty} J(r')\, r'^2 dr'\,$ is the dipole moment of the current for $\,\lambda=1\,$. Consequently, the essential spectrum is not affected by the magnetic field. We rewrite the potentials into the form % \begin{equation} \label{lambda dependence} V_{\ell}^{(\pm)}(r)\,=\, \left( \lambda A_1(r)+\, {\ell\over r} \right)^2 \pm\, {\lambda\over 2}\,g B_1(r)\,, \end{equation} % where the indexed magnetic field refers to the value $\,\lambda=1\,$. Since $\,H_{\ell}^{(\pm)}(\lambda)\,$ is nothing else than the $s$--wave part of the two--dimensional Schr\"odinger operator with the centrally symmetric potential (\ref{lambda dependence}), it is sufficient to find eigenvalues of the latter. If $\,\ell\ne 0\,$, the first term in (\ref{lambda dependence}) is below bounded by $\,\lambda h(r)\,$ for a suitably chosen positive function $\,h\,$ of compact support. Since the second term does not contribute to $\,\int_0^{\infty} V_{\ell}^{(\pm)}(r)\,r\,dr\,$ which determines the weak--coupling behaviour, the result follows from the standard condition \cite{Si} and the minimax principle. While the above integral is positive in the case $\,\ell=0\,$ as well for any $\,\lambda\ne 0\,$, this fact itself need not prevent binding. A more careful Birman--Schwinger analysis up to the second order in $\,\lambda\,$ is required: it shows that a weakly coupled bound state exists if % \begin{equation} \label{weak bound} \int_{\R^2} A(x)^2\, d^2x \,+\, {g^2\over 8\pi}\, \int_{\R^2\times \R^2} B(x) \ln |x\!-\!x'|\, B(x')\, d^2x\, d^2x'\, < 0\,. \end{equation} % Evaluating the last integral, we find that the condition is satisfied for $\,g>2\,$. This rectifies an incorrect claim made in \cite{BEZ}; a more detailed discussion on that point will be presented in a forthcoming publication. The asymptotic behaviour of the bound state energy (in the sense of \cite{Si}) is % \begin{equation} \label{weak asympt} \epsilon(\lambda) \,\approx\, -\, \exp\left\{ -\left( {\lambda^2\over 8} (g^2\!-4)\, \int_{\R^2} A(r)^2\,r\, dr \right)^{-1} \right\} \end{equation} % for both spin orientations (since $\,g\ne 2\,$, the second theorem of \cite{AC} does not apply and the degeneracy may be lifted in the next order). On the other hand, the existence of the ``antiparallel" bound states in a strong vortex follows from the behaviour of the effective potential around the origin. We have % \begin{equation} \label{A small} A(r)\,=\, \lambda\mu r + \alpha_0(r)\,, \qquad \mu\,:=\, \int_0^{\infty} J(r')\, {dr'\over r'}\;; \end{equation} % using (\ref{A}) and properties of the elliptic integrals we find $\,\alpha_0(r)= \OO(r^2)\,$. This further implies % \begin{equation} \label{B small} B(r)\,=\, 2\lambda\mu + \beta_0(r)\,, \qquad \beta_0(r)\,:=\, \alpha_0'(r)+\, {1\over r} \alpha_0(r)\,=\,\OO(r)\,. \end{equation} % Consider the case $\,\ell=0\,$. We substitute to (\ref{partial wave Hamiltonian}) from (\ref{A small},\ref{B small}) and employ the rescaled variable $\,u:= r\sqrt{\lambda}\,$. In this way $\,H_0^{(\ell)}\,$ is unitarily equivalent to the operator $\,\lambda A_{\lambda}\,$, where $\,A_{\lambda}= A_0+ W_{\lambda}\,$ on $\,L^2(\R_+,u\,du)\,$ with % \begin{equation} \label{A_0} A_0\,:=\,-\,{d^2\over du^2} \,-\,{1\over u}\, {d\over du} \,- g\mu + \mu^2 u^2 \end{equation} % and % \begin{equation} \label{W} W_{\lambda}(u)\,:=\,2\sqrt{\lambda} \mu\, u\alpha_0\left(u\over \sqrt{\lambda} \right)\,+\, \lambda \, \alpha_0^2\left(u\over \sqrt{\lambda} \right)\,-\, {1\over 2}\, g\, \beta_0\left(u\over \sqrt{\lambda} \right)\,. \end{equation} % The limit $\,\lambda\to\infty\,$ changes the spectrum substantially; we have $\,\sigma_{ess}(A_{\lambda})= \sigma_{ess}(\lambda A_{\lambda})= [0,\infty)\,$ for any $\,\lambda>0\,$, while $\,A_0\,$ as the $s$--wave part of the two--dimensional harmonic oscillator has a purely discrete spectrum. Nevertheless, one can justify the use of the asymptotic perturbation theory for stable (\ie, negative) eigenvalues of $\,A_0\,$; the fact that $\,W_{\lambda}\to 0\,$ pointwise together with the resolvent identity imply $\,A_{\lambda}\to A_0\,$ in the strong resolvent sense as $\,\lambda\to\infty\,$ \cite{BEZ}. In that case there is a family of $\,\nu_n(\lambda)\in \sigma(A_{\lambda})\,$ to any $\,\nu_n\in \sigma_p(A_0)\,$ such that $\,\nu_n(\lambda)\to\nu_n\,$ \cite{Ka}. The spectrum of $\,A_0\,$ is given explicitly by % \begin{equation} \label{HO spectrum} \nu_n\,=\, \mu\left(4n+2-g \right)\,, \qquad n\,=\, 0,1,\dots\,, \end{equation} % so $\,\nu_0\,$ is stable for $\,g>2\,$ and $\,A_{\lambda}\,$ has a negative eigenvalue for $\,\lambda\,$ large enough. The analogous argument applies to the case $\,\ell\ne 0\,$ , where the potential in (\ref{A_0}) is replaced by $\,\mu^2 u^2 +\ell^2 r^{-2} +\mu(2\ell\!-\!g)\,$, and one looks for negative eigenvalues among $\,\nu_{n,\ell}= \mu \left(4n+ 2(|\ell|\!+\!\ell)+2-g\right)\,$. The critical $\,\lambda\,$ at which the eigenvalue emerges from the continuum is naturally $\,\ell$--dependent. $\quad\Box$ \vspace{2mm} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\subsection*{Acknowledgment} V.Z. thanks for the hospitality extended to him at NPI. The research has been partially supported by GACR under the contract 202/96/0218. \begin{thebibliography}{article} % \bibitem[AC]{AC} Y.~Aharonov, A.~Casher: Ground state of a spin--1/2 charged particle in a two--dimensional magnetic field, {\em Phys. Rev.} {\bf A19} (1979), 2641--2642. \vspace{-1.8ex} % \bibitem[BEZ]{BEZ} F.~Bentosela, P.~Exner, V.A.~Zagrebnov: Electron trapping by a current vortex, {\em J. 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