% Total length ~140K, LaTex Version 2.09 % Since the paper is about 70 pages long, you may wish use the following % macro to number equations sequentially by section. If so, just add it % as a separate file---seceq.sty*--- to your directory when formatting % the paper by LaTex for the printer. If you don't care about the numbering, % delete both the following macro and the ``seceq'' in \documentstyle[...]. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% seceq.sty macro %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \@addtoreset{equation}{section} % Makes \chapter reset 'equation' counter. \def\theequation{\thesection.\arabic{equation}} % The macro \@eqnnum defines how equation numbers are to appear in equations. % \def\@eqnnum{(\theequation)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BODY