M 360M/396C, Fall 05


I. Read the Representation Overview (pp. 67 - 71) of the Principles and Standards, giving particular attention to the following points. Be sure to do the reading thoroughly even if you have already read this section in another class. Be prepared to discuss the reading (including the questions asked below) in class.

p. 67
•    Second paragraph: Note the different ways in which the word "representation" is used.
•    Third paragraph: Note the variety of ways in which representations are involved in mathematical understanding.
•    Last sentence of third paragraph (and also first full sentence on p. 69): What are some specific examples of the point made here?

pp. 67 - 68:
•    In the section labeled "Create and use representations …," note the stress on using both conventional and  individually developed  representations, and how the importance of conventional representations increases through the years. What are the implications for how college students should use representations?

p. 68
•    First paragraph (continued from previous page): What are some other examples that illustrate this point?
•    Be sure to think about the paragraph starting, "Representations can help students organize their thinking."

pp. 69 - 70.
•    The section  "Select, apply, and translate …" is particularly important for this course. Be sure to think about it carefully and think about other examples that illustrate the points in it.

p. 69:
•    Try the lighthouse problem at the bottom of the page.

II. Start working on Problem Set #2.

III. Continue working on any problems previously assigned that you have not yet solved or figured out how to solve well.