... Methods1
Work on this project was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant MCS 79-19829 at The University of Texas at Austin.
... Austin2
Center for Numerical Analysis, RLM Bldg. 13.150, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712
... Company3
Boeing Computer Services Company, 565 Andover Park West, Tukwila, WA 98067
... ``red-black"4
In this ordering, the components of the unknown vector u are considered as either ``red" or ``black". A ``red-black ordering" is any ordering such that every black unknown follows all of the red unknowns. This ordering of unknowns leads to a $2\times 2$ ``red-black partitioning" of the coefficient matrix, that is, a matrix of the form

D_R & H \\
K & D_B \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath}

with diagonal submatrices DR and DB. The original linear system may require rearrangement in order to arrive at this form.
... workspace.5
For the red-black ordering, the Ith entry of a permutation array P(*) indicates the position J into which the Ith unknown of the original system is being mapped, that is, if ${\bf P(I)=J}$ then unknown I is mapped into position J. The Jth entry of an inverse permutation array IP(*) indicates the position I into which the Jth unknown of the permuted system must be mapped to regain the original ordering, that is, ${\bf IP(J)=I}$.
A matrix has Property A if and only if it is a diagonal matrix or else there exists a rearrangement of the rows and corresponding columns of the matrix which corresponds to a red-black partitioning.
... II).7
An L-matrix has positive diagonal elements and nonpositive off-diagonal elements.
... one.8
If the row and column corresponding to diagonal entry Ai,i are to be eliminated, then the right-hand side is adjusted to $b_i \leftarrow b_i/A_{i,i}$ and $b_j \leftarrow b_j-b_i A_{i,j}$ for $j \neq i$.
... matrix.9
IMSL (International Mathematical and Statistical Libraries, Inc.), Sixth Floor NBC Bldg., 7500 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX, 77036.
... procedure.10
Private communication.