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Numerical Results

The iterative algorithms in ITPACK have been tested over a wide class of matrix problems arising from elliptic partial differential equations with Dirichlet, Neumann, and mixed boundary conditions on arbitrary two-dimensional regions (including cracks and holes) and on rectangular three-dimensional regions [1]. Both finite-difference and finite-element procedures have been employed to obtain the linear systems. The two sample problems presented here, while simple to pose, are representative of the behavior of the ITPACK routines for more complex problems. The iterative algorithms make no use of the constant coefficients in these two problems or of the particular structure of the resulting linear system. Because the ITPACK code is not tailored to any particular class of partial differential equations or discretization procedure, but rather to sparse linear systems, it is felt that the package can be used to solve a wider class of problems. We now consider two simple partial differential equations which when discretized by finite-difference methods give rise to large sparse linear systems. We obtain the solution of each of these systems by the seven algorithms in ITPACK 2C. These numerical results should aid the user of ITPACK in determining the amount of time required when solving more complicated sparse systems. However, one should not interpret these execution times as conclusive by themselves. Variances introduced by different compilers, computer systems, and timing functions can sometimes be significant. Moreover, the number of iterations required by an iterative method is dependent on the problem being solved, the initial estimate for the solution, the parameter estimates used, and the relative accuracy requested in the stopping criterion RPARM(1). These tests were run on the CDC Cyber 170/750 at the University of Texas with the FTN 4.8 compiler (OPT=2). To obtain representative sparse linear systems, we discretize the following two self-adjoint elliptic partial differential equations in a region with prescribed conditions on the boundary. Here uxx, uyy, uzz are partial derivatives and du/dn is the derivative in the normal direction.
uxx + 2uyy = 0,   $\displaystyle \mbox{$(x,y)$\space in $S=(0,1)\times (0,1)$ }$ (1)
u = 1 + xy,   $\displaystyle \mbox{$(x,y)$\space on the boundary of $S$ }$  

Using the standard 5-point symmetric finite-difference operator with $h=\frac{1}{20}$, we obtain a sparse linear system with 1729 nonzero elements and 361 unknowns.

uxx+2uyy+3uzz=0,   $\displaystyle \mbox{$(x,y,z)$\space in
$C=(0,1)\times (0,1)\times (0,1)$ }$  
$\displaystyle \mbox{On the boundary of C:}$     (2)
u=1,   $\displaystyle \mbox{$(0,y,z)$ , $(x,0,z)$ , or $(x,y,0)$ }$  
du/dn = yz(1 + yz),   (1,y,z)  
du/dn = xz(1 + xz),   (x,1,z)  
du/dn = xy(1 + xy),   (x,y,1)  

Using the standard 7-point symmetric finite difference operator with $h=\frac{1}{7}$, we obtain a sparse linear system with 1296 nonzero elements and 216 unknowns. Tables 1 and 2 display the number of iterations and execution times (in seconds) for the seven methods in ITPACK 2C for the linear systems corresponding to problems (1) and (2), respectively, using symmetric sparse storage. Both the time for the iteration algorithm and the total time for the subroutine call are given. The stopping criterion was set to $5 \times 10^{-6}$. To illustrate how effective the adaptive procedures are, we have included in these tables the number of iterations and the time when the optimum iteration parameters were used with no adaptive procedures.

Table 1: Number of Iterations and Execution Times for Problem (1) Using Adaptive and Nonadaptive Procedures (Nonadaptive Data in Parentheses)
Routine Ordering Iterations Iteration time Total time
JCG() Natural 61 (61) .250 (.247) .281 (.271)
  Red-black 61 (61) .232 (.246) .402 (.413)
JSI() Natural 108 (95) .408 (.344) .439 (.375)
  Red-black 108 (95) .393 (.332) .569 (.498)
SOR() Natural 72 (54) .356 (.280) .368 (.307)
  Red-black 65 (47) .311 (.224) .469 (.411)
SSORCG() Natural 17 (13) .232 (.173) .264 (.185)
SSORSI() Natural 23 (22) .242 (.213) .273 (.244)
RSCG() Red-black 31 (31) .104 (.117) .269 (.297)
RSSI() Red-black 60 (48) .207 (.166) .358 (.344)

Table 2: Number of Iterations and Execution Times for Problem (2) Using Adaptive and Nonadaptive Procedures (Nonadaptive Data in Parentheses)
Routine Ordering Iterations Iteration time Total time
JCG() Natural 28 (28) .092 (.090) .107 (.090)
  Red-black 28 (28) .079 (.074) .191 (.202)
JSI() Natural 64 (54) .166 (.136) .196 (.152)
  Red-black 64 (54) .160 (.130) .268 (.266)
SOR() Natural 42 (29) .139 (.095) .150 (.110)
  Red-black 38 (29) .124 (.097) .236 (.231)
SSORCG() Natural 15 (11) .136 (.097) .167 (.111)
SSORSI() Natural 19 (15) .138 (.101) .153 (.117)
RSCG() Red-black 15 (15) .032 (.051) .150 (.169)
RSSI() Red-black 31 (27) .075 (.064) .186 (.196)

Values corresponding to the red-black ordering with the SSOR methods are omitted from the tables since it is known that these methods are ineffective with this ordering. Since the RS methods are defined for only the red-black ordering, the table entries for these methods with the natural ordering are not included.
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