Numerical Mathematics and Computing, 6th Ed. - Maple Codes

Numerical Mathematics and Computing
Sixth Edition
Ward Cheney & David Kincaid
Sample Maple Codes

In the following table, each line/entry contains the code file name and a brief description. Click on the program name to display the source code, which can then be downloaded.
Chapter 1: Introduction
horner_symbolic Manipulation of Horner polynomial
sin_plot Graph of Taylor series partial sums sin(x)
taylor_series Taylor series expansion of functions
sqrt_approx Taylor series expansion of square roots
Chapter 2: Number Representation and Errors
convert Converting numbers
loss_of_significance Loss of significance in subtraction
accuracy Computations with various accuracy
Chapter 3: Locating Roots of Equations
fcn_roots Roots of functions
newt Newton's method example
poly_roots Roots of a 5th degree polynomial
Chapter 4: Interpolation and Numerical Differentiation
newton_interp Newton interpolation polynomial
runge_fun Polynomial interpolation for Runge function
derivative Symbolic and numerical derivative
Chapter 5: Numerical Integration
num_integ1 Numerical integration of exp(-x*x)
trapezoid_rule Trapezoid rule for an integral
comp_trap_rule Composite Trapezoid rule for an integral
Chapter 6: More on Numerical Integration
num_integ2 Numerical integration of cos(2*x)/exp(x)
Chapter 7: Systems of Linear Equations
gauss_elim1 Gaussian elimination first example
gauss_elim2 Gaussian elimination second example
band Banded linear system example
penta Pentadiagonal example
pentasym Pentadiagonal symmetric example
Chapter 8: More on Systems of Linear Equations
lu LU decomposition
lufactor LU factorization
cp8-2-8 Computer Problem 8.2.8
char Eigenvalues via characteristic polynomial
null Null space, eigenvalues/eigenvectors
eigen Eivenvalues/eigenvectors (LinearAlgebra)
Schur 362-363 Schur decomposition (Linear Algebra)
Svd Singular value decomposition (linalg)
sng_val_decomp Singular value decomposition (LinearAlgebra)
Chapter 9: Approximation by Spline Functions
cubic_spline1 Plot of natural cubic spline curve
cubic_spline2 Generate and plot cubic spline curve
bernstein_poly Graph of few Bernstein polynomials
ctrl_pt_curve Generating curves using control points
Chapter 10: Ordinary Differential Equations
ode0 Numerical solution of an IVP: example 0
ode1 Numerical solution of an IVP: example 1
euler Euler's method for solving an ODE
ode2 Numerical solution of an IVP: example 2
ode3 Taylor series method (order 4) solving ODE: example 3
ode4 Numerical solution of an IVP: example 4
adams_mlt_coef Adams-Moulton formulas
Chapter 11: Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
ode_sys1 Analytic/numerical solution systems of ODE
ode_2nd_order Second order IVP
ode_sys2 Analytic/numerical solution systems of ODE
Chapter 12: Smoothing of Data and the Method of Least Squares
lstsq1 Linear least squares example
lstsq2 Linear least squares example
lstsq3 Nonpolynomial least squares example
minimal_sol Minimal solution random matrix A/vector b
svd_penrose_sol Penrose properties for pseudomatrix
Chapter 13: Monte Carlo Methods and Simulation
rand_num Generating random numbers
rand Generating random integers
Chapter 14: Boundary Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations
bvp Solving broundary value problems
Chapter 15: Partial Differential Equations
heat Parabolic PDE: heat equation
wave Hyperbolic PDE: wave equation
ell Elliptic PDE
Chapter 16: Minimization of Functions
grad_hessian Calculate gradient vector and Hessian matrix
Chapter 17: Linear Programming
lin_prog1 Maximize subject to inequality constraints
lin_prog2 Minimize subject to inequality constraints
lin_prog3 Minimize subject to equality constraints
lin_prog4 Minimize subject to inequality constraints

Addditional programs can be found at the textbook's anonymous ftp site:

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  Last updated: 07/25/2007