Research Goals


SAGE provides a forum for experts in geometric analysis and related disciplines to explore open problems, further work-in-progress, and cultivate new and existing collaborations, especially across specialties. In contrast to a conference, where speakers give formal presentations of their completed results, the SAGE model invites participants to discuss ongoing, planned, and hoped-for research.


This year’s workshop will focus on emerging relationships between expanding homogeneous solitons on nilpotent and solvable Lie groups and Type-III Ricci flow solutions.



All talks are in RLM 11.176.

Thursday, May 21

        2:00-2:30           Registration. Coffee and cookies provided.

        2:30-3:30           David Glickenstein: Ricci flow on 3-dimensional Lie groups

        3:30-4:00           Discussion.

4:00-5:00           Andrea Young: Ricci Yang-Mills solitons on nilpotent Lie groups

        5:00-5:30           Discussion.

        6:30-8:30           Welcome dinner. El Chile Café

Friday, May 22

        10:00-10:30       Gathering time. Coffee and snacks provided.

        10:30-11:30       William Wylie: Gradient Ricci solitons: the comparison geometry point of view

        11:30-12:00       Discussion.

        12:00-2:00         Lunch.

        2:00-3:00           Tracy Payne: ODE's associated to the Ricci flow on simply-connected Lie groups

        3:00-3:30           Discussion.

        3:30-4:00           Break. Coffee and cookies provided.

        4:00-5:00           Jeff Taft: Intrinsic geometric flows on manifolds of revolution

        5:00-5:30           Discussion.

Saturday, May 23

10:00-10:30       Gathering time. Coffee and snacks provided.

        10:30-11:30       Michael Jablonski: Detecting Einstein nilradicals

        11:30-12:00       Discussion.

        12:00-2:00         Lunch.

        2:00-3:00           Ruth Gornet: The Laplace spectrum on two-step nilmanifolds

        3:00-3:30           Discussion.

        3:30-4:00           Break. Coffee and cookies provided.

        4:00-5:00           Jorge Lauret: Homogeneous Ricci flows and solitons

        5:00-5:30           Discussion.

        6:30-8:30           Closing dinner. Botticelli’s South Congress



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