Information about Major Electives for the Prob/Stat Math Major Specialization

What are "Major Electives"?

"Major Electives" are the additional upper division hours, beyond the specified courses, to make a total of at least 32 hours of upper division coursework in mathematics and related areas.

In the 2004 - 2006 catalogue, this is Requirement 14d of the degree requirements:

"Additional coursework chosen from the following: Civil Engineering 352, Computer Sciences 327E or 347, Economics 341K, 350K (Topic 4: Advanced Econometrics), 350K (Topic 6: Advanced Microeconomic Theory), 350K (Topic 7: Applied Economic Analysis), 354K, Electrical Engineering 366L, 379K (Topic 2: Quality and Reliability Engineering), 379K (Topic 15: Information Theory), Geography 360G, 360L, Mathematics 325K or Computer Sciences 336, Mathematics 339J, 339U, 339V, 346, 348, 449P, 365D, 368K, 374G, 474M, Mechanical Engineering 366L, 366Q, 366R, 367S, Psychology 325K, Risk Management 357E."

In the 2006 - 2008 catalogue, this is Requirement 12g of the degree requirements:

"Additional coursework chosen from the following:  Computer Sciences 327E or 347, Economics 341K, 350K (Topic 4: Advanced Econometrics), 350K (Topic 6: Advanced Microeconomic Theory), 350K (Topic 7: Applied Economic Analysis), 354K, Electrical Engineering 366L,  379K (Topic 15: Information Theory), Geography 360G, 360L, Mathematics 339J, 339U, 339V, 343L, 343M, 346, 348, 449P, 349R, 365D, 368K, 373L, 374G, 474M, Mechanical Engineering 366L, 366Q, 366R, 367S, Psychology 325K, Risk Management 357E."

In the 2008 - 20010 catalogue, this is Requirement 12g of the degree requirements; it reads the same as the 2006-2008 catalogue, except that M449P has been chanaged to M349P.

Please Note:

Where can I find out which major electives are offered each semester?

Right here:

New 3/26/09  Major Elective Courses Offered Fall, 2009

New 3/11/09    Major Elective Courses Offered Summer, 2009

New 11/2/08  Major Elective Courses Offered Spring, 2009

New 14/10/08  Major Elective Courses Offered Fall, 2008

New 14/8/08  Major Elective Courses Offered Summer, 2008

New 10/29/07  Major Elective Courses Offered Spring, 2008

New 4/15/07
 Major Elective Courses Offered Fall, 2007

New 4/15/07  Major Elective Courses Offered Summer, 2007

New 10/18/06: Major Elective Courses Offered Spring, 2007

New 4/16/06  Major Elective Courses Offered Fall, 2006

New 4/16/06 Major Elective Courses Offered Summer, 2006

New 11/2/05 Major Elective courses offered Spring, 2006

New 6/17/05  Major Elective courses offered second summer session, 2005

New 4/6/05  Major Elective courses offered Fall, 2005

Major elective courses offered in previous semesters:    Spring, 2005      Fall, 2004        Spring, 2004    Fall, 2003      Spring, 2003    Fall, 2002

How many hours of major electives do I need?

The requirement as stated in the catalogue is that the total number of hours of major electives plus required upper division math courses must be at least 32 hours.

I am 1 hour short of the number of required hours of upper division electives. Can I get the remaining hour waived?

No! As stated above, most students will need to take more than the minimum number of hours of major electives to satisfy the requirement.

Where can I find more information about the major elective courses?

Click here

What are M 375 and M 175? Will they count toward this requirement?

Click here

Are there other courses that can be counted as Major Electives?

Click here

How should I choose my major elective courses?

Here are some suggestions that might help you.