William BecknerProfessor, Core Faculty, Oden Institute Paul V. Montgomery Centennial Memorial Professorship in Mathematics (Holder) To examine how the interplay of symmetry, smoothness and uncertainty can characterize structure for geometric manifolds. |
David D Ben-ZviProfessor University Chair in Mathematics (Holder) Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory |
Irene M GambaProfessor, Core Faculty, Oden Institute W. A. "Tex" Moncrief, Jr. Chair in Computational Engineering and Sciences III (Holder) Applied Mathematical and statistical physics, numerical analysis and computational methods, Integro-differential statistical flow models. |
Hans A KochProfessor Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Statistical Mechanics |
Ali K MezherTeaching Assistant (Harmonic) Analysis of PDEs, Dynamical Systems, Mathematica Physics. |
Charles L RadinProfessor Mathematical Physics, Discrete Geometry, Extremal Combinatorics |
Lorenzo A SadunProfessor Marian Harris Thornberry Centennial Professorship in Mathematics or Physics (Holder) Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Physics, and Probability |
Bernd SiebertProfessor Sid W. Richardson Foundation Regents Chair in Mathematics #4 (Holder) Algebraic Geometry, Mirror Symmetry, Tropical Geometry, Symplectic Geometry. |
Sai SivakumarTeaching Assistant algebraic geometry, homological algebra, representation theory, harmonic analysis, mathematical physics |
Alexis F VasseurProfessor, Affiliated Faculty, Oden Institute John T. Stuart III Centennial Professorship in Mathematics (Fellow) | John T. Stuart III Centennial Professorship in Mathematics (Holder) Partial Differential Equations |