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Homotopy type theory

This is the homepage for Math 392, homotopy type theory.
Office hours are by appointment.

The syllabus is available here.

The first problem set is available here.
The second problem set is available here.
The third problem set is available here.
The fourth problem set is available here.
The fifth problem set is available here.

Two more good Coq tutorials are here and here.

References for simplicial sets: References for homotopy theory and model categories: A good reference for base-change functors (in the context of spaces):
May and Sigurdsson's Parametrized homotopy theory

References for the connection between dependent type theory and locally cartesian-closed categories:
The best reference for the correspondence between cartesian-closed categories and the untyped lambda calculus:
Scott and Lambek's book Introduction to higher order categorical logic.

References for lambda calculus and logic: Some references for the first part of the class: