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From the Department of Mathematics

Welcoming new faculty: Felipe Goncalves, Lucas Mason-Brown

The Department of Mathematics is excited to welcome Felipe Goncalves (IMPA) and Lucas Mason-Brown (Oxford University) as tenure track Assistant Professors in 2024/25.

David Ben-Zvi featured in Quanta Magazine

The recent breakthrough work of Professor David Ben-Zvi and his collaborators is featured in Quanta Magazine


Cameron Gordon elected to the National Academy of Sciences

We congratulate Professor Cameron Gordon most warmly on his election to the National Academy of Sciences




Luis Caffarelli wins 2023 Abel Prize

Professor Luis A. Caffarelli, Holder of the Sid W. Richardson Foundation Regents Chair in Mathematics #1, is the winner of the 2023 Abel Prize, in recognition for his «seminal contributions to regularity theory for nonlinear partial differential equations including
free-boundary problems and the Monge–Ampère equation». We warmly congratulate Luis for this amazing honor.

Home | The Abel Prize





Maksym Radziwill wins 2023 AMS Cole Prize in Number Theory 

We are delighted to congratulate Prof Maksym Radziwill for winning the highly prestigious 2023 AMS Cole Prize in Number Theory, which is awarded every three years
